Thirteen ♡

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My eyes fluttered open. I found myself in complete and utter darkness. Slowly, I reached my hands out and felt myself against a wall, and started to trace my hands along it as I slowly started to crawl. I brought myself to my feet and continued to feel around until a bright light hit my eyes. I shut them tightly for a moment and let them reopen, readjusting themselves to the new found light.

I turned around and covered my mouth. It was a little boy with shaggy black hair leaning over an open backpack on his bed. Tears were streaming down his face as he shoved different articles of clothing into the small gray bag. He looked up and I saw his piercing blue eyes— Andy.

Andy shuffled across the room. He rummaged through his drawers and dumped different items into the bag, and zipped it shut. Andy rubbed his nose with the back of his hand and sniffled. He turned around and faced himself in the mirror, and his breathing quickened as he watched his eyes shift to an inky black.

He closed his eyes and reopened them to see the natural blue return. Andy ran his shaking hands through his hair. He stopped and lifted up the front of his hair. Andy and I both watched as the two small black horns started to protrude from his pale skin, and he flipped his hair back down in fear.

Andy grabbed his bag and dashed out of the room, turning the lights off as he went. I quickly followed behind him. He hurriedly walked through the hallway, his hands dragging against the wallpaper before heading down the steps. He paused at the last step, however I didn't and ran right into him. Thinking I'd shove him accidentally, I was very shocked to feel myself physically go through him and land hard onto the floor.

I patted myself down and looked up at him in shock however his attention was to the light pouring from the kitchen. I poked my head around the doorway. There was an older man and woman— his parents I assumed— sitting together at the table. The mother held the father's hand and looked deep into his eyes. Tears were streaming down her face.

"I– I don't know what to do, Chris." She said softly, her voice cracking as she stammered a bit. The father, Chris, shook his head slowly as he exhaled. He looked at the ground.

"Neither do I." He whispered.

"I don't— what even is he?" She asked.

"I don't know, Amy." Chris said. His voice was rough like Andy's. Chris shook his head again and looked at her. "We're not safe around him. No one is, Amy."

"He's our son!" She hissed at him.

"He's a killer!" Chris slammed his fist against the table as he leaned forward. Amy let go of his hands and covered her mouth in utter shock as she looked at him. "You saw what he did to the neighbors dog. What's going to stop him from doing the same to us, or to the next person who ticks him off?"

"Chris, he's still Andy."

"I know he is. But, no one is safe with him around. He's a beast." As soon as the words left his mouth, Andy turned around and ran. He ducked out and burst through the front door, letting it slam behind him. Chris and Amy shot up from the table and ran to the door, calling after him.

I looked over at the door and felt my body launch forward. My feet weren't even touching the ground anymore. It seemed as if wherever And went, I went. I was thrown onto the ground in the middle of the forest, tumbling into a tree stump. My head whacked against it and I groaned in pain as I got to my feet, brushing myself off.

My eyes laid themselves on Andy. He was on his knees, hunched over in the center of a small clearing in the forest. He clutched at his head as he breathed heavily, cursing angrily. Andy let out a scream but the scream soon deepened into a low roar, and he shot himself up, arching his back.

Beastly || Andy BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now