Chapter 3

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Scott: Hey bro, where you at?

Stiles: What?

Scott: We were supposed to hang out. Ya know, the café?

Stiles: Oh yeah, sorry man. I'll be there in a few minutes.

Scott: Hurry up. This guy keeps staring at me and it's creeping me out.

Stiles: It's not like he's going to kill you Scott lol

Scott: You do not see this death glare he is giving me. It's like he's trying to bore holes into my brain.

Stiles: Yeah sure Scotty. Whatever you say. See you in a minute

An hour later...

Stiles: That guy you said was staring at you looked familiar. Do you know him?

Scott: No! Man that's why I was creeped out.

Stiles: Well that's weird. I'll talk to you later man I have some stuff that's got to be done

Scott: Talk to you later. Make sure you get that essay done.

Stiles: Will do. Bye Scotty

Scott: Bye Sti

A few minutes later...

Stiles: Hey Derek

Derek: Hello.

Stiles: Do you think dogs have thoughts?

Derek: Well considering they have feelings, I'm not sure.

Stiles: I think they do. They probably know the English language just like we do

Stiles: They probably throw parties when their owners leave and purposely cause a mess

Derek: ...have you been watching The Secret Life of Pets?

Stiles: is typing...

Stiles: No...

Derek: You have. My sister is obsessed with that movie.

Stiles: You have a sister? What's her name?

Derek: I was told not to talk to strangers.

Stiles: I was told not to procrastinate on assignments but I still do

Derek: Touché

Stiles: See? Anyways, I have to go work on a dumb essay

Derek: Bye.

Stiles: Bye

Accidentally in Love || Sterek [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now