Chapter 27

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"This is a huge room. It's going to be a pain in the ass to decorate it," Derek says, looking around the room that looks like it could hold the entire town in it.

"That's why we have recruitment," Stiles says, walking past Derek with a box of lights in his arms. "You think that the Christmas tree should go in the corner or the center like they do in New York? Is that too extra?"

"Stiles? Being extra? Oh my god, I've never heard of that one before," Cora says, a string of garland around her neck like a scarf. "That's new. I just can't see it."

"Put back on your sunglasses and shut up," Laura says, putting a wreath on her sister's head. Cora scowls at her, taking the wreath off her head. "I think you should put it in the corner otherwise we'll be walking around it all night. It gives enough room for a little dance floor."

"Your family dances at these kinds of things?" Stiles asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Yours doesn't?" Cora asks in return. All the Hale siblings are staring at Stiles.

"Nope we do karaoke. We should do both of them," Stiles suggests. Derek smiles and Cora claps her hands in excitement. Laura just laughs, walking off with a box tinsel.

"This is going to be so much fun! Oh I'm excited," Cora squeals before she follows Laura across the room with some mistletoe.

"I feel weird about this," Derek says to Stiles, sitting at one of the many tables they have set up.

"Why?" Stiles asks, unfolding a table cloth to place over the table. "I mean, I can see why. We've only been dating since September."

"I don't think it's that. It's just that we're going to be meeting each other's huge families. That's a lot of people to introduce you to."

Derek doesn't say it but Stiles knows what he's thinking. What if they break up? Would they still ask about Stiles? Would they even like Stiles to begin with?

"The way I see it is that you can dive head first into it or you could spend months adjusting to the waters. Personally, I'm a head first kind of guy."

Derek smiles at Stiles, getting up from his chair to help with the table cloths. "That you are. I like that."

Stiles wiggles his eyebrows at Derek and they both start laughing.

"You know that's not what I meant," Derek says.

"Oh I know."

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