Chapter 20

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"I miss you."

"I'm just spending time with my dad. I'm like fifteen minutes away from you right now."

"Still. I just spent the last three days with you. It's weird being without you."

"Before you know it, I'll be back watching movies with you in bed."

"Laura says she needs to take you shopping for some reason. I think she wants you to help her pick out presents even though Christmas is right around the corner."

"Are you serious?! We have a week left. A week! Has she shopped for anyone yet?"

"I think she has. I'm not sure, I haven't really asked her about it."

"She worries me. Anyways, want to play a Christmas themed 20 questions?"

"You're going to make up a Christmas themed one?"

"Yes, if you're willing to play. I've done it to Isaac."

"Why not Scott?"

"I already know almost everything about Scott. What's more to learn besides what he does when he's alone?"

"I'm not sure you want to learn that."

"Exactly. So, want to play?"

"Why not?"

"Okay, I'm gonna start. What's your favorite Christmas movie?"

"It's a Wonderful Life."

"Ohh, classic. Nice man. I would say mine is How the Grinch Stole Christmas but the live action. That was real relatable."

"Of course you relate to that movie. I can totally see it."

"Just to let you know I'm rolling my eyes but I can't say you're wrong. Your turn."

"Favorite candy cane flavor?"

"Peppermint definitely."

"Now who's classic? Although mine's wintergreen so I think we're both classic on this one."

"'Ey, I never said the classics were bad. Sometimes those are the best."

"Mm, that's wise of you. I like it babe. Your turn."

"What's your favorite Christmas song?"

"Little Drummer Boy, I think. Or maybe Deck the Halls since Cora always used to sing it and it got stuck in my head for days."

"Both of those I had on repeat when I was younger. Now I'm not so sure what my favorite song would be. Maybe all of them."

"It's just like you to have trouble picking a favorite. Is this a repeat of last week at the coffee shop?"

"You know it's hard to choose between Peppermint or nutmeg! Both of those are good flavors and I couldn't just get both."

"Sure you could have. Wouldn't be the first time you bought two cups of coffee in one go."

"I'm on a budget! I'm a broke college student. I lack toast and tall or rent."

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm a broke dwarf."

"I don't get why you're laughing. You're not even short."

"It's from a YouTube video DerBear."

"'re a dork."

"You love me."

"That I do."

"I have to get ready for bed. I'll talk to you in the morning sweet pea."

"Goodnight Honeyduke."


AN: I'm still behind dang it -_- (<me glaring at myself) i swear one of these days I'll get back on track

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