Chapter 25

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"My grandma is cool with it. She says she's made too many peppermint brownies this year and needs to share them with someone else."

"About the Christmas thing? Peppermint brownies? Those sound good."

"No Der, the New Years thing. Yes the Christmas thing! And they are soooo good you have no idea. I could eat them all, no need to share."

"You're going to end up with a horrible teeth problem if you keep up at your rate."

"Lies! I brush twice a day and visit my dentist."

"On a different note, my mom said she thinks it's a great idea to have a combined Christmas. Something about the more the merrier."

"Haha, merrier Christmas."

"Stiles stop laughing."


"Oh my god, it wasn't even that good of a joke you made! You're such a lame boy."

"They say stay in your lane boy, lane boy."

"I'm glad you're in a good mood."

"I could practically hear the smile in that one. Man, do I make you a happier person or what?"

"Maaaybe. But we have some planning to do so let's say we meet at somewhere other than a coffee shop because no more coffee for you."

"A pastry shop!"

"No Sti-"

"See you at the one on Avenue A! Twenty minutes."

"...fine. See you in twenty minutes."

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