Chapter 31: Breaking Free

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Chapter 31: Breaking Free

"You want to break us out?" Lapis half-yelled, half-whispered. She sounded surprised.

"Not us," Ruby grinned, "You."

"Why would you want to do that for me?" Lapis asked

"Other than finally getting some peace and quiet?" Ruby laughed, "You're useful. Once the gems realize you're missing I'll tell them everything you told me. Meanwhile you can find Jasper and keep her from restarting the kindergarten."

"How do you know I won't betray you?" Lapis asked, "You did just beat me into a pulp a few days ago."

"I guess I can't know for sure," Ruby's smile faltered, "But if it means we have a chance at stopping Jasper then I have to trust you."

Lapis nodded, "I'll get her to find the Crystal Gems. With all of them together they can defeat her." Lapis held out her chained wrists. "Now how do we get these off?"

"Do you trust me?" Ruby asked.


"How long does it take you to reform after being poofed?"


"You said you trusted me. If I poof you then the chains would fall off and you'd reform without them," Ruby explained.

Lapis looked unsure but knew it was the only way.

"We have to do this fast. It won't take the gems long to realize you've been poofed. A long time ago a friend of ours rigged these to sense if we get them off." Ruby held up her own chains.

"Give me one minute," Lapis said, "If I hurry enough...well it'll have to work."

Ruby summoned her weapon. She said an apology to Lapis before swinging her fist down has hard as possible. In the end it took her five tries.

Sixty, Ruby counted in her head.

Ruby caught her gem and hid it behind her.


Pearl and Amethyst ran into the room, Sapphire, Peridot, and Steven followed behind.

"Ruby what did you do?!" Pearl yelled.


Ruby's eyes rested on Sapphire but the blue gem wasn't looking at her. Ruby felt a twang of guilt. Still she had promised Lapis.


The others ran towards her. She sent multiple walls of flame at them, a skill she had learned earlier through her dreams.

"Ruby please," Steven pleaded. Ruby felt torn.


They got through the last wall of fire, they had brought a fire extinguisher of all things down here. Ruby nearly laughed.


Ruby clutched the gem in her hand.


The others rushed towards her.


She would make them trust her.


She had to do this.


They would trust her again when all this was over.


"Ruby!" Pearl yelled.


"I just want it to be over."


As Ruby threw the gem towards the now open door, a wave of lightheadedness washed over her.


The last thing she saw before blacking out was a flash of blue light and the gems worried faces.


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