chapter 9: the journey part 2

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chapter 10: the journey 2

I woke up to the sounds of branches crunching underneath what sounds like feet. I sat up straight, looking left and right for signs of people. 


I kicked him in the nuts.

"What the fuck was that for?!" West shouted in pain.

"Sorry! Oh my god I'm so sorry! Gah I wish we brought some frozen peas." I rushed over to him aiding him. After that I just started laughing. 

"You aren't supposed to be laughing at an injured person." West looked at me, pretend-glaring.

"Sorry, but you should know not to scare me. Personal fact #1- I don't like being scared."

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind." He saluted then shuffled away with his hands protecting his "treasures". I stifled a laugh as he went farther and farther into the distance. 

"Have fun collecting wood!" I waved to him.

"Yeah, I think I would rather do that then getting kicked in the bal-" Then it went quiet. 

"West? West! Where are you? Are you okay?" Everything was getting more and more silent as I was becoming more and more scared. I ran over to the spot I last saw him. All I see is a small dent in the leaves where he stood before. Shit, I lost a teenage boy. I ran in circles, panting, heaving, sweating for hours. Doesn't he know its not a good idea to scare me? He might be actually hurt and the last thing I did was kick him in the balls. 

I tripped over a watch, West's watch. "Hello? West? I know your here! Just stop hiding and come out."

I walked around for hours and hours until finally I sat down, took a deep breath, and did some thinking. Ok, ok. So there's two possible options. 1. He could've ventured out like the idiot he is. Or he could've been kidnapped and murdered with a hammer. I went to walk back to the fire until I saw a footprint. It was so small that I wouldn't have seen it except I tripped over a stick right beside it. 

So I started to follow the footprints until it stopped at a tree. I looked around until I thought he could'nt gone down, or around. So the only way the footprints could've stopped is if he went up. I felt a cold drop of liquid fall onto me. I looked up, and there he was- West, the love of my life- hanging down with his throat cut open.

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