Chapter 1

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just so y'all know before reading i was 12/13 when i made this, English isn't my first language so stop commenting abt grammar, also no i didn't know how sex between guys worked bc i was 12/13 and a female at the time so. I'm also a dumb hoe so i didn't how commas or periods worked lmaooo

anyway yea💅🏽💅🏽✨

Alexander POV

"Princeton university" i said with a big smile on his face, i took out my phone and looked at the group chat:Hamilsquad: LAFAYETTE,Elizaaaa,Satisfied,HM,SmolHamMan,Turtleboy,pegless.

Turtleboy : yo! Anyone here yet

SmolHamMan: just got here

Elizaaaa: i'll be there in 30,BTW i'm with Peggy and angelica

Alex put phone away looking around for john suddenly he hears someone yell his name he turned to see no other than John Lauren i thought before being tackled by john,"ow"said i said as i hit my head on the floor "sorry"said john before helping Alex up "Man it's been a while" john said "what,2 weeks ago" i said as i giggled "anyway let's see if we get to be roommates" said john while taking out his paper.

Room 350

1st period:chemistry

2nd period: English

3rd period :lunch"

John aid "you" i took out his paper and sighed

"Room 400

1st period: Debate

2nd period: English

3rd period lunch

4th period:chemistry"

Said i " (debate wasn't a mandatory class) at least we have 2 class together"john said "well,i'm going to check who my roommate is" i said"me too "john replied, i walked to the receptionist to ask for his room key then i walked to my room and as i was going to put the key i noticed the door was open, i grunted at that fact,i walked in to see none other that Thomas Motherfucking Jefferson"nO" i said as he dropped his bag in shock Jefferson looked over to me and said " aRE YOu KIDDING ME!" he yelled AHHHHG, why with Hamilton out of all the fucking people" " hey! I don't want you as my roommate either but there other people in this dorm,ya know!"Jefferson glared at me and walked into his room and slamming the door"This should be fun" i said as i closed the door and LOCKED IT i thought while going to my room and closing the door.


( i hope you guys liked this it's my first one so i'm not sure if its ok or not, BTW i'm not good with punctuation marks or anything like that so if you notice,i'm sorry)

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