Perfect Guys Only Exist On YouTube (an O2L fanfic)

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My alarm screamed it's beeps and as I hit it with my fist. It took all my energy not to fall back asleep and to get up and get some breakfast downstairs. I still could not believe I lived alone! I felt free! Now that I was eighteen, it was legal. I was getting ready for another boring day at school on a sunny Monday morning in sunny southern California, also known as Los Angeles. I went downstairs to my small kitchen and got the box of Cheerios, I then got a bowl and poured some in listening to them hit the bowl in loud high pitched taps. I was so glad school was ending in three weeks. I added milk and ate my cereal taking out my phone. I tweeted "@KassieLawley: I don't wanna go to school!" Oh yeah did I mention I was internet sensation Kian Lawley's cousin? He was basically my brother though. I put my bowl in the sink and walked up to my room and over to my walk in closet. "Okay, what to wear?" I said looking around. I agreed with myself on a crop top with a bunch of weird hipster looking stripes on it that draped loosely over my stomach, a pair of gray short sweatshorts and a gray beanie with my pink VANS. I did my makeup lightly, basically just mascara and sometimes eyeliner I wanted to look good for something, not today. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and went back downstairs while running my fingers through my dark brown, wavy hair. I slung my neon pink backpack over my shoulder and stuffed five dollars for Starbucks into my bra. I picked up my blue and purple penny board with white wheels. I popped a neon yellow earbud into my ear slid my screen up revealing what had been playing last, Cake Boy by Hoodie Allen, I think yes. I got a text from 'KiKi' in my contacts, saying 'R you ready, I'm coming around the corner with Sammy" I replied 'I'll be right out" I stepped outside and saw Sam and Kian racing. "Sammy! KiKi!" I yelled running at them, throwing my penny board down and skating with them. "Guys, I don't wanna go to sch- WAIT THIS IS MY PART... CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE! K, I'm done, as I was saying, I don't wanna go to school!" "Who does?!" Sam asked skating into Starbucks. I put my foot under his wheel on purpose and he he went flying off. He landed in the grass. I fell onto my ass laughing and so did Kian. He brushed off and laughed his cute little Sammy laugh. We went inside and I ordered my usual, a carmel espresso with whipped cream and chocolate sauce, everyone else ordered, it was my day to pay, we had a paying schedule that started in about eighth grade. I took out my money and the guy at the register looked disgusted but reluctantly took the money. I sat in one of the chairs and Sam plopped down across from me he started playing footsies with me. "Dude, can you not?" I laughed. We both stood up when the lady called out "Kassie, Sam, and Kian!" She called looking in our direction. They know us too well... we took them and skated to school. We walked in and walked to our lockers, they were all next to each other. I opened mine and put my penny board in it as did they. I took a water bottle from Sam's and took a sip just to annoy him. But he didn't, I guess I did that too often... I heard the bell go off. "Well, shit here we go English." I said splitting off. "See you in Science." I called to them. English was the only class I didn't have with them. Sam and Kian walked into Editing, I didn't take that class because I wasn't a YouTuber like them. I sat down at a desk and took out my book, I happened to be reading Twilight for the seventh time this year. That class went by, taking a long time with some popular bitch Kian liked smacking her gum as she read some beauty magazine, and the ruffle of pages being turned. The bell rang and I ran out being reunited with the baes. We walked to science and sat together at one of the tables. We took out our project and Sam almost burst open a packet of chemicals, oh Sammy. The class went by so fast with Kian and Sam making the funniest jokes. It was lunch time so I went into Kian's locker and got out his 10 dollars then met them at the door. Taco Bell here we come! We walked right out, ain't no teachers stopping us. "Dude, school lunch is so gross." Kian said. Me and Sam nodded and walked next door to Taco Bell, I know right, how convenient. We ordered our food and walked back to school. We sat alone at a table in the cafè, but hey I ain't complaining, I was with the besties. We finished and the bell rang. I took out some gum and gave some to Kian and Sam. UGH. Math time. The rest of the day dragged on and it was last period, P.E. I walked to the girls locker room ignoring all the whores and walked to my locker getting my gym clothes that the school made us wear. I got dressed and put my clothes in my locker. Some popular girls were talking about me like 3 feet away... "You guys do know I'm not deaf, right?" I said turning around. "Well obliviously not. Tell Kian he's hot and I'm his number one fan by the way." The tallest one said. "Nope. Bye." I said walking out and into the gym. We did gym, I got back into my regular clothes and we went to Sam's house. "Oh, Kian, Jc wants know if we can hang out with him and the guys, they're going to Santa Monica Pier." Sam said. "Oh sweet!" Kian said. I had heard of a Jc but never met him. "Who?" I asked. "You'll see." He said. I got up and grabbed my penny board leaving my stuff knowing we were coming back to do homework and hang out. We went outside and I just followed Kian and Sam to a bunch of apartments. Kian opened the door without knocking, they must be really close. The first person I saw was a tall man with a quiff, a tank top, muscles and pair of demin wash shorts. "I'm Ricky!" He said. He had an adorable lisp. "KiKi! Sammy!" He pulled them into a hug doing a weird funny sounding man scream. I giggled, he seemed nice and absolutely hilarious. Another one of them came out, he was short and had swoopy beiber hair. I could tell he was a teenager "Oh, hello! I'm Trevor." He said. "Hey!" I said, he was so cute. Not pedophile status. Another man came out. God, how many were there?! This one had to be Jc. "Hey I'm Connor!" The man said. Oh my God, how many were there, now I'm confused!!! He had dirty blonde in the same style as Ricky's and he was kinda hot. I was waiting for one more guy and surely here he was. He was beautiful! He had dark brown hair in a big messy clump across his forehead and he had good style basically the same as me and pretty brown eyes, mine were like the color of dirt, but his were like a rich chocolatey brown, he had adorable chubby cheeks. I bit my lip. "Hey, I'm Jc." He said. His voice was amazing and I just stood there, my heart skipping beats. "Uh... Hi..Um..let's go." I said waiting for everyone else to go first. "Jc is hoooooooot." I said pulling Kain and Sam aside. "Lets just go, they're waiting in the car." Kian said. I didn't know what his problem was. I saw Jc's face again. He was so hot! Thank God I'm 18

Perfect Guys Only Exist On YouTube (an O2L fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now