The Best Day Ever and Finally A Boyfriend

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I opened my eyes and felt warm arms around my waist. I looked in front of me to see Jc sleeping. I kissed his cheek and buried my face into his chest. I heard my door open and Kian walked in. I looked up. He was opening his mouth to say something but I pointed to Jc. He closed his mouth and sat on my counter. I wiggled out of Jc's arms and stuck a pillow where I was. I walked over to Kian grabbed his arm and led him upstairs to my room where Jc wouldn't wake up if he was yelling at me. "Okay. Let me go first." I said putting my finger to his lips. "K." He said rolling his eyes. "Okay, I'm an adult now, I feel like you are holding me back from dating one of them. If they are your true friends you should be able to trust them. How did you know Andrea wouldn't be like Danniella?"

I remember the story of Danniella like it was yesterday. She had long beach blond hair and tanned skin. She had nice style, girly, dresses, skirts stuff like that. Perfect cheekbones, beautiful features like God himself blessed her face. The body any girl would want. All the guys wanted to date her and all the girls wanted to be her. She was very popular with tons of friends. One day, Kian got lucky and actually got to hook up with her. They ' did it' and then Kian found out that she was with 13 other guys at the moment and she uses all of the guys she dates for sex then dumps them a week later. She was a straight up slut and bitch. Unfortunately, Kian's week was up and she dumped him. I mean this girl was like carrying virginities in a jar. I confronted her and she moved away a day later when her secret got out and everyone hated her. The end.

Kian shuddered at the thought of Danniella. "I knew she was different." He said shrugging. "Okay, and so are Jc and Connor." I said biting my lip. "I'm sorry." He said crossing his arms. "What do you mean?" I asked smirking. "Y-you can date one of them." He said walking away. "Thanks bae, love you!" I said getting up and kissing his cheek. I ran downstairs and saw Jc was already awake. "There you are!" He ran up and hugged me. "I thought you were kidnapped and they replaced you with a pillow or something!" He broke the hug. Kian walked out the door. "Nah, we were just talking!" I said reassuringly. "I'm gonna go get dressed, we should go out to breakfast at iHop." I suggested. "Perfect idea!" He said and sat on the couch. He was wearing a Hoodie Allen tank top with skinny jeans and blue vans and a green beanie, so he was ready. I ran upstairs and put on a white crop top with a unicorn on it that said "Be Yourself, Unless You Can Be A Unicorn, Then Be A Unicorn." With a pair of black leggings and my white Converse and a black beanie. I brushed out my hair and left it wavy and natural. I did a light layer of mascara and some eyeliner. I grabbed some money and walked downstairs. Did I mention that I had a job at Hot Topic but I got canned because I pulled a middle finger on a lady that was giving me a hard time? Well I did. "Ready?" I asked him. "Yup." He got up and took my hand. "Kay, I have our whole day planned out!" I said excitedly. "You're adorable when you get excited." Jc laughed. I giggled and blushed. "Okay, so first, we're going to iHop, then we're going to Disneyland, then Wal-Mart and try to get kicked out then we can go out to dinner at Taco Bell and then the movies then we can do whatever you want!" I said kicking off my penny board. "Okay, sounds good! Can we take Ricky's car? That seems like too much penny boarding..." Jc said. "Oh yeah..." I said pulling into the driveway. I texted Ricky. "Can we use your car, me and Jc? We'll be gone all day." He responded about 15 seconds later with "Sure, please be careful wouldn't want my best friend to be pregnant ;)" I laughed really hard. "Don't have sex, because you'll get pregnant and die." I quoted Mean Girls. "No, but seriously." I laughed. "Thanks for looking out for me, but I got this. Love ya." I showed Jc the texts and he laughed. "Oh Rickle Pickle." He said starting the car. I put my feet on the dashboard and turned on Eighteen Cool while plugging my phone into the thing that connects to the radio. It echoed off the walls. I turned it down a little and found Jc's vlogging camera. I put my hand in front of the lens. "WHAT'S UP O2L?!" I looked around and whispered. "Kassie here!" I giggled and showed Jc. "He's driving, were gonna have a fun day, we're going to vlog it too." I said smiling with my eyes closed. "Okay, we'll see you at iHop." I said shutting off the camera. We arrived and I got out with Jc's camera. We got a table and sat down. I was sitting across from him and we were talking about the randomest stuff. Jc turned on the camera and began talking. "We're at iHop, waiting for the person to take our order." He said. He turned the camera on me and I just smiled. "What are you getting?" He asked. I scanned the menu. "PANCAKES!" I yelled earning looks from people. I just glared at them. "What about you?" I said to a laughing Jc. "I don't know yet probably French toast." He said smiling. "Turn the camera on yourself. What are you, like the paparazzi?" I asked giggling. "Betch." He said laughing. I tried my best to hold back laughter and look offended. It didn't work. We finished and Jc drove me to Disneyland. I tried to pay, but he wouldn't let me. We walked in and turned on the camera. "If you're a true O2L fan, you'll know who this is, guess in the comments. Ready. Gurl, we in Anaheim! Okay, guess who said that! I said giggling. We went on a bunch of rides and even the Ferris wheel. He was so cute! I kissed his cheek and he blushed. We left and we went to Wal-Mart. We recorded the whole thing. I ran in screaming. "BITCHES. WHORES." I yelled at the top of my lungs. Everyone was staring at us and Jc was crying laughing. "Hey, bitch." I said to one of the employees. "Um, bye." He said getting the manager. I turned to the camera. "Okay, well that was fast..." I said laughing. We did get kicked out for multiple reasons. Swearing. Filming. Yelling. Running. Creating chaos. Whatever. Now Taco Bell time! Thank God, I was hungry! I got my usual and we sat down and ate. I turned on the camera and started talking. "We are at Taco Bell and eating foods. Yesh. Um, anyway, we're going to the movies when we finish." I said smiling. I turned off the camera and finished. We went to CVS and 4 big bags of skittles and 6 cans of AriZona. We paid and I shoved them up my shirt to smuggle them in and put on a sweatshirt we found in Ricky's car. I looked pregnant. I turned on the camera and showed my stomach. "I'm pregnant, sorry Ricky. Sorry guys, inside joke. Nah, just kidding it's skittles and AriZona, were fatasses. We are smuggling them in because candy's expensive here. We went in and got tickets, nobody questioned because I seriously looked pregnant. We sat down and were goofing around before the movies. I went onto Twitter and took a selfie with Jc. "@KassieLawley: Movies with tha bae. @jccaylen" a lot of people were tweeting me saying "#Kustin" I looked at trending and #Kustin was trending worldwide! OH MY GOD! I turned on the camera and said "#KUSTIN IS TRENDING WORLDWIDE! DAMN!" I shut it off and the movie started. The movie ended and we to my house and collapsed onto my bed. "Come here before you fall asleep" He said to me. He led me out to the balcony that over looked the beach. He turned on the camera and set it on the table. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked smiling. "Of course!" I yelled pulling him into a kiss. He kissed me and I broke it. "Thanks for watching, perfect ending for the vlog!" I turned off the camera and brought it inside with Jc following me. We went into my bed and cuddled while I fell asleep on him.

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