The Beach and Unexpected...

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I read through the comments sighing. "I'm bored!" I yelled flopping over and landing on my stomach. "Can we go to the beach or something?" I asked hitting Ricky's floor with my fists. I heard a groan and looked over at Jc. He was slowly starting to wake up! Yay! I poked his cheek. "Hey!" I called out. "I wanna go somewhere!" I yelled rolling around on the floor. "Chill, you said you wanted to go to the beach right?" Kian asked looking up from his phone. "Yes!" I yelled popping up and running out the door. I texted the Ricky. "I'm going home, be back in about 10" I got onto my penny board and skated home. I put on an ombre pink bikini and put camouflage shorts with a white tank top. I looked like I was going into the frickin army... whatever. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and my box of Cookie Crisp. I got my school backpack and emptied the contents onto my table. I put the water in the bag, my phone, a tube of Pringles, sunscreen, a towel, my sunglasses, and about 10 dollars I found scrunched up in the bottom of my bag. I went into my bathroom and brushed all the knots out of my hair and tied it back into a messy bun. Okay, beach time! I got on my penny board and started skating towards their house. I opened the door and walked in. "I'm back!" I yelled sing-songly through the house. I sat at the bottom of the stairs and banged my heels against the floor making little scuff marks from the soles of my VANS, oops. Jc came out of his room and I jumped onto his back. "Are we boarding or are we driving?" I asked grabbing my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder. "I don't know yet. I wanna see if I can skate with you on my back." He said picking up Rasta (Jc's penny board if you're a fake fan. Jk.) "Oh God, hospital here we come!" I said rolling my eyes. Surely enough he did fall off. We collapsed to a heap on the floor laughing. I noticed I was on top of Jc, but it's all good, he didn't care, plus, I was really light. I heard a bunch of footsteps on the stairs but kept laughing. "What happened here?" Ricky asked his eyes moving from us, to the flipped upside down Rasta, to the small dent in the wall. "This the outcome Jc trying to ride a penny board with me on his back!" I said giggling. Ricky just kept on looking at us then he left. I picked up my backpack and helped Jc up. When his hand grabbed mine, my stomach bounced around. He stood up and we all grabbed our penny boards. I set mine on the sidewalk and wiggled it back and forth waiting for everyone. Connor came out and got onto his penny board next to me. "Hey!" I said smiling. "Hey." He smirked.


I woke up from my beach sun nap and I was perfectly tanned. I flipped halfway through making it equal so I was tan on both sides. I saw six heads along the shore. On our way here Sam and Trevor joined us, I was so glad, I hadn't seen them in weeks. I ran down and jumped onto one of their backs not realizing who. "Who is it?" I heard Ricky say, a little concern hoping it wasn't a fan. "Kassie!" I said poking one of his pecs. "Nice manboobs" I said laughing. "Thanks." He said laughing. I got off and ran into the water. "Nope, nevermind, HOLY SHIT THAT'S COLD!" I ran out and hugged Sam. "Keep me warm!" I said shivering. I let go because I was feeling much warmer. "I'm going for a walk, anyone care to join me?" I asked looking at Connor and Jc. "Me!" Connor said following me. Once we were earshot away, he started talking about how much he liked me. I was so confused on who to pick, my brain was getting ready to kill me. "You're really pretty." He said smirking. I blushed and took his hand. "I don't know..." I said looking away. "What do you mean?" He asked pulling me close to him. "I... like... you... and... Jc..." I said biting my lip. "Oh." He said. Most guys would push me away, but he didn't. He was nice about it. We walked in silence for about two or three minutes, the water playfully licking our ankles. "Connor." I faced him, what am I doing? "Yeah?" He asked facing me. What are you doing, Kassie? I stood there for a minute looking deeply into his jungle green eyes, they were a brilliant shade. I don't know what my brain was thinking, but it wasn't good and my heart agreed. I pulled him close to me and just kissed him. Our bodies molded together and I wrapped my arms around his neck and his around my waist. My heart turned to mush. The kiss lasted about five minutes. It broke because some fan came running up to us. "Connor Franta?! Kassie Lawley!? I love you guys!!!" I smiled and we got pics with her. She ran off to a very tall man, I'm guessing her father and started jumping up and down showing him the pics. "Well, that was unexpected..." He said blushing deep crimson. I was probably blushing too. "Yeah..." I said smiling. "It was adorable!" He said smiling wide. We got back to the beach spot and everyone was packing up, thank God, all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. I got onto my penny board and skated home. "BYE!" I yelled down the street. I unlocked my door and went in. "Okay that was amazing!" I changed, took a shower and went downstairs onto my couch. I was wearing a pair of Kian's sweatpants and my tank top that said "2 glam 2 give a damn" I turned on Netflix and started watching Rugrats. I heard my door open and I looked up to see Jc. "Hey!" I said getting up and pulling him onto the couch. I laid next to him and was falling asleep facing him, before I dozed off, I felt his lips on mine and heard him whisper into the kiss "Sleep well, princess."

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