Haterz Be Hatin and The Boyfriend/Girlfriend Tag

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I woke up and was Jc awake playing with my hair. "Good morning, hun." He said smiling. I melted and sat up. "Hello!" I smiled and got up. Stretching, I looked in the mirror and saw that I was wearing shoes, leggings and my unicorn crop top with my beanie still. Oh how fun. I wasn't gonna change into pajamas now so, whatever. I pulled up Jc. "Get up, fatass." I said laughing. He knew I was joking, we joked around like this all the time. "Oh, so get a nice 'Good morning, hun.' And I get 'Get up, fatass.' Wow, we really love each other." He said laughing. I kissed him. "Yup." I pulled him downstairs. "We should go to your house so I can eat all the food there, the closest thing I have for breakfast is maple syrup from like 4 years ago that I stole from my sister last time I went over there." I said grabbing my penny board and opening the front door. He nodded and followed. I got onto my penny board and skated toward the o2l house. (Btw, when I say o2l house I don't mean all of them live there, just Ricky, Connor, Kian and Jc) I opened the door and called through the house "Kassie is here bitches!" I heard an "Oh no!" From Ricky's room. "Fuck you, Ricky." I said giggling as he came out of his room. "Wow, I just love our friendship." Ricky said laughing and trotting down the stairs. He lightly hit me on the back of the head on the way by. "Be careful, I'm not afraid to cut a bitch." I said snickering. I rode my penny board into the kitchen where Kian was vlogging. "So, dis bitch is here." He said pointing the camera at me. I put up the middle finger and skated toward the fridge. I got out some pancake making stuffs like milk, butter and eggs. (A/N: Yes, I did just look on the batter box, #judgeme) I skated and went to the counter. I opened all the cabinets and Kian pointed the camera at me. "Okay, welcome to Dora's cooking show. Today we're going to make a pancake." I said in a Mexican accent making everyone laugh. I made the pancake batter with Jc behind me, quite close saying that there were other people in the room. "Can you get me a pan?" I asked Jc. "Sure thing b-" he looked at Kian who looked at him suspiciously and just continued vlogging. I make pancakes for just me and Jc. I put Nutella on mine and so did he. When Kian and Ricky were gone, I moved over and sat on Jc's lap. I continued eating and I heard footsteps. I turned around and saw Connor... "Hi, this is awkward, don't worry, I was getting something off the ground and I fell." I said smiling. Jc nodded. "K..." Con said. He took my arm with a soft grip. "I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend...?" He said pulling me into the bathroom and shutting the door. "Um..." I looked down biting my lip. Connor patiently waited. "I'm kinda already dating Jc..." I said running my fingers through my hair. "Oh. Sorry." I could tell he was hurt. He walked out and upstairs to his room I walked to Jc and sat in his lap facing him. He kissed me and all I could taste was Nutella. It really hurts to see your best friend hurt because of you. He stood up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He dropped the plate into the sink and held me up. I put my face into his neck and he walked into his bedroom right down the hall from the kitchen. (A/N: Is it creepy that I know what the inside of their house looks like? No? Good.) He dropped me onto the big black bean bag chair he calls a bed and I just went onto Twitter. Connor tweeted. "Gonna stay positive! [Fake smile]" UGH, WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?! "I'm gonna go talk to Connor. "Wha- oh, k." He was edited and in his editing mood. He gets all serious and clueless to what's happening around him when he edits. I walked into Connor's room. He was on Tumblr and looked at me. "H-hey!" I said smiling. "Hi." He smiled weakly.

Connor's Pov:

Honestly, I didn't wanna talk to her at the moment. Or ever again. Kinda... "So...um... please don't let this RUIN our friendship! I love you so much!" She said smiling. "You're right! I love you more!" I said tackling her down on my bed in a friendly way and tickling her. That's what I did one time and she loved it. She was screaming and laughing. I got off and she was laughing and out of breath. "Oh, Connor, you can always lighten the mood!" She said smiling. She went onto her phone and her face instantly dropped. "Are you okay?"

Kassie's Pov:

"Jc deserves better..."

"Godamn, Kassie's is annoying. Does the bitch ever shut up?"



"Attention seeker"

"She looks so ugly."

"She literally has no chance, he's dating her out of sympathy."

"How long do you think this relationship will last, I bet an hour. She seems too bitchy."


Most of my tweets were saying stuff like that to Jc and me. 35% of the tweets were nice people, the rest were hate. Just all hate. "L-look..." I said Connor my phone. "Well, I'll try to calm them down, I can't guarantee this will work..." He tweeted from his computer "@ConnorFranta: I suggest you mind your own damn business and stay out of @jccaylen and @KassieLawley relationship, they make each other happy. Just let them be happy and back off." He tweeted and I was getting 75% less hate and a lot of apologies. I saw a lot of other youtubers tweeting things like "#Kustin forever." Or "let @jccaylen and @KassieLawley be happy" that made me so happy. I hugged Connor. "Thank you!" I said smiling. I ran downstairs to Jc. "They need to get a grip. "@jccaylen: Please just leave her alone, you're really hurting her. If you really cared about me, you'd want us to be happy... also, @ConnorFranta thanks man" "Wanna film a video?" Jc asked. "Sure, girlfriend tag?" Me and Jc filmed constantly being interrupted by Ricky; "Are you done yet? Now? Ready? I'm bored! I wanna film with you guys! Why is this taking so long?" "Ricky, you sound like a little kid!" I yelled laughing. We finished, edited and uploaded. I was getting mountains of hate, but I could care less. STAY STRONG.

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