~The End~

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4 months later:

I sat there on the couch in the o2l house. I had moved out a few months ago, but I still come over when I'm bored or lonely. Ricky and Kian are the only two that aren't all over me every second trying to get with me. But shit, I could care less about Connor and Jc crushing on me, at least they cared about me. I share an apartment with Sam and that was a mistake. Well a mistake on my part, I didn't wanna lose my virginity until marriage, but Sam changed that, long story leading up to it that I don't care to explain. Let's just say it's a secret between me and Sam. I sat there thinking about stuff, nothing in particular. Just stuff. The guys were all in their rooms doing God knows what. I was awoken from my thinking about cheese pizza, don't even ask, I have no idea, by Ricky. "Hey girl hey!" He said plopping down next to me. "Hey!" I said smiling. "Do you wanna film some collabs? It's Saturday and we both upload on Sundays." He said returning the smile. "Of course! Let's go!" I said running up to his room. I went inside and fell backwards onto his new bed. "Q&A?" He said falling next to me. "Yes!" I said taking a sip of an Arizona I found on his windowsill. "Okay, let's tweet." He said getting his phone. I pulled mine out of my back pockets and tweeted '@KassieLawley: #AskRicKassie Ask us some questions!' He tweeted the same as questions started flooding in. He turned on the camera "Hey, what's up you guys, it's Ricky!" He said into the camera. "And Kassie!" I yelled throwing up my hands. "And her." Ricky said rolling his eyes. I smacked his arm lightly and laughed. "Rude." I snapped. "Okay, I'll ask first!" I said finding some questions "Are you pregnant?" "No. Rude. Ricky's turn. We finished the video after 9 or 10 more questions.

"Dude, can I take Kassie for a minute?" Connor asked us as we were editing the footage. "Sure." I said walking out confused. He pulled me onto the back porch, got down on one knee and pulled a ring out of his pocket. "Will you marry me?"

"KASSIE, I'VE ASKED YOU FOR THE FOURTH TIME, WAKE UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" My mother yelled waking me up from my amazing dream.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around, I wasn't in the o2l house... I wasn't even in California... Oh shit, that's right, I live in Iowa. I'm an 18 year old fangirl. God I need a life. It was all just a dream...

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