Truth Or Dare Gone Wild and The Grove

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I took out my phone and checked the time. It was 7:13. UGH. I still had homework. The sun was slowly starting to set over the ocean and it looked like the perfect date! Oh God why... you're never like this Kassie! Just stop. I was starting to get cold. "I'm freezing." I said noticing some of them were wearing jackets. Any nice enough to give theirs up? Jc took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. I felt warm and I secretly held his hand. Only we knew. I trailed behind everyone else and Jc's face looked so pretty in the almost moonlight. I blushed at how we were actually holding hands. I don't remember much else but I do know I had fallen asleep in the car.


I woke up and looked around. This was not my room or my house but it looked faintly familiar. I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I slowly turned around to see Jc. I flinched and he pulled me closer to his bare chest. I snuggled in and remembered as a relief flooded over me that we had a day off from school because of a teacher convention thing. Though I may not sound like it, I am a perfect A+ student. I looked down to see what I was wearing and saw I was pantless, this would be normal if I was sleeping alone, but I was in someone else's bed with another person... I looked down to see I was wearing a tank top that wasn't mime. I saw my clothes on the kitchen floor. What the fuck happened yesterday? I thought hard and my memory restored. We were playing truth or dare for one of the guys videos and I remembered my dare was to strip and I did. After Trevor was gone though. I don't know why I'm in another persons bed and wearing just my underwear with another persons tank top... I shrugged and went back to sleep. I heard the door open and then a "What...the...fuck...?" That sounded like Sam. A "what." From Kian and then I heard heavy fast footsteps. Someone grabbed my shoulder and I opened my eyes. "Why are you in bed with Jc?" He asked pulling me out from underneath the covers waking up Jc. "Oh my God. Put some pants on. And you!" He turned to Jc as I scrambled to the kitchen to put on my sweatshorts. I went over and saw Kian yelling at a terrified half asleep Jc. Sam was by the door. I went up to him. "What happened yesterday?" I asked in a whispering voice. "I don't know, we went home before you played truth or dare, we had set up the couch for you to sleep on." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Um...Good thing you guys left...don't tell Kian, but I kinda got naked... Yeah so that happened..." He just gaped at me. "What?" I said. "Kian would have killed you!" He said. I just shrugged and went to collect my clothes in the kitchen. Connor walked out of a room SHIRTLESS. ZAYUM. "Hey." I said. "Sup?" He asked leaning on the counter. Oh damn. He's so frickin hot... I rolled up my clothes and went out to Ricky's car. I put in my clothes and shut the door. I found a beanie on the floor and put it on. I don't care who's it is, I just don't like it when my hair is exposed. Ricky came into the living room where me, Sam and a pissed off Kian were sitting. Jc was showering and Connor was making eggs in the kitchen. I smirked when I saw Jc coming out of the bathroom in a towel and going into the room Ricky and Connor had just come out of. Connor walked into the living room and sat next to me. I kinda liked two people in this house... just then, the door opened and Trevor came twerking in with a haircut like Connor's, he looked a lot better and mature. We all laughed and he yelled. "The Queen is here!" I laughed and Connor pretended to stretch and he put his arm around me. I'm sure any girl would DIE to be me right now. I didn't bother moving his arm because, why not. I am so sorry, Jc, but you ain't the only hot one in your group. Jc came out and his face dropped when he saw me and Connor. Ricky came out and saved the day. "We're going to the Grove." He said. "Cool, I'll be in the car." I said getting up and walking down the stairs.

Connor's Pov:

"She's hot." I said. "Yeah, wanna know something else? She's my cousin who I care deeply about. K." Kian said getting up. He and Trevor walked outside. "Yeah, I've been her best friend for 14 years. She's hot, but I stop myself because I love her too much to date her." Sam said. He got up and went to the car. "Well, I'm not much of a relationship doctor but, I can say that you and Jc shouldn't both like her because, she is just a girl. I mean, bros before hos. I say let the best man win. Okay bye." Ricky said. Walking out he gave us a peace out which meant hurry up. Ricky was right. "Lets go." I said. He followed me.

Kassie's Pov: (if I call her Anastasia, I apologize, she was in my other fanfic.)

I sat down in the backseat waiting for someone to sit with me. I saw Connor walking with Jc and my heart skipped a beat. Connor plopped down next to me and put his arm around me. They were both so hot! I'M TORN! Jc sat next to Trevor and Kian in the middle row and Sam was up front. Ricky turned around from the drivers seat. "Are we ready to go?" He asked pulling out of the parking spot. I settled in and played with the ends of my hair while scrolling through Twitter. I saw a Jc tweet saying. "I'm so sad. Why me?" I felt bad so I dmd him saying "Don't feel bad, I'll walk with you after." He responded back with "It hurts to see you and him." I looked at Connor who was composing a tweet. "Life's perfect at the moment." I suddenly didn't know what to do. We got out of the car and I turned around. "I'll take Kian and Sam, I need some alone time with my baes." I said grabbing their wrists. "Okay, meet here at 3:00" he said checking the time. I looked at my phone, it was 11:54 "Okay." We all agreed. I walked off with them and walked into Urban Outfitters. "Okay, so read this." I said giving Sam my phone, I had nothing to hide from him. "Kian, you can read after, for now, help me pick out clothes." I said snapping my fingers. He groaned as I pulled a bunch of tank tops off the rack. I held up one to my chest. "Yes, no?" I asked. "Yeah, I like that one." He said. "Ooh, zayum, it's going down!" Sam yelled scrolling through my phone. We laughed and by the time we had picked out all my clothes, Sam was done reading. He handed the phone to Kian. "Okay, Sammy, now Vans because I need new wheels for my penny board and also, I could use a few new pairs of shoes. I said taking my bag from the checkout counter. We walked across the street to the Vans store and who did we see? Jc. Oh no. I still need to make up my mind! I just smiled and waved. He ran to us. "Hey!" He said. "Hi." I said to him. "You look nice today!" He said to me. He was so sweet! I blushed and looked away. WHY DOES LIFE HAVE TO BE SO UNFAIR SOMETIMES!?!?!?!?!!?!?

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