Love Square and Ending It

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(((*1 week later*)))

I've slowly started to move into Connor's room, first I started sleeping on the downstairs couch and leaving my clothes in Connor's room, then I moved up my furniture and posters, finally I started sleeping in his room on a pile of blankets. All my things were stripped from Jc's room, so I was now living in Connor's room. I got a text, expecting it to be from Jc, it wasn't. "Hey whore, wanna hang out today? ~Sam" I laughed and texted back. "Of course, I'll be right over!" I got up and grabbed my penny board from the corner of the room. "Con?" I asked twirling my hair. "Yeah?" He spun in his chair. "I'm going to Sam's, I'll be back later." I smirked and walked out. "K." He said.


Me and Sam were on our second movie of the night. "Sam, I've been meaning to talk to you..." I said wanting to talk to him about Jc. I opened my mouth to speak but Sam cut me off. "I've been meaning to speak to you too." He said fumbling with the sheets on his bed. "Okay, go on." He seemed to be having second thoughts and seemed really nervous. "Just listen to this song." He scrolled through his music and played 'I Would' by One Direction. I was confused but I just listened because it was one my favorite songs. When it ended Sam was biting his nails like he did when he was scared. "Sam, what did you need to tell me?" I asked biting my lip. I think I knew. "Well,...." He took a deep breath. Here it comes. "I've had a crush on you since 8th grade, but I waited to long to ask you out and now you have Jc..." That long?! "That's kinda what I wanted to to talk to you about. Jc. I haven't kissed him in almost a month, we've been drifting apart, it honestly burns my chest, I don't know what to do..." I started to cry into Sam's chest. He wrapped his arms around me. "Maybe you're hurting him too." Sam said rubbing my back. "I don't know." I said. "Did you tell Kian yet?" He asked pulling me into his lap. "No! Don't tell him, he'll beat Jc to a fucking pulp! I still love him, I don't want to stop being his friend! I hissed. "I won't. You should break up with him. Still be his friend though." He said kissing my hair. "Sam, I love you so much! I will!" I hugged him and turned on my phone. 'Hey, Jc, I think we should stop dating, just be friends, no I don't mean like, we're not actually gonna be friends, I want to, it's just not working between us, plus you have Jenn.' I sent with a tear streaming down my cheek. 'K. :( I still love you, I just hope everything turns out for the best.' 'Thanks.' I dropped my phone. "I still love him." I said with my face getting close to Sam's. He kissed me. It wasn't like the other times we had kissed. Yes we have kissed, a lot can happen in 14 years of friendship. I felt a warm blissful feeling in my stomach. The kiss broke short. It felt wrong. I climbed off. "I'll see you tomorrow. I'm going home." I said ruffling his hair.


One day later)

I threw everything into a box. The guys were filming downstairs. Nobody knew what I was doing. I wiped a tear with my thumb. "Don't cry." I said dryly. I grabbed my few boxes and stuffed them into my side of the closet that was empty. I sat on Connor's bed and tried not to cry. I felt like I was getting kicked in the stomach. Connor came upstairs. "We're done, wanna come downstairs, Ricky and I are going to Starbucks, wanna come?" "Yes." My throat felt raw from holding back tears. "Where's your stuff?" Connor asked looking around. I smirked. "I'll tell you guys in the car." I said getting up.


"Okay what's up?" Ricky asked when I changed my mind about telling them in the car. "Tell us!" Connor said excitedly. "I'm moving out!" I said happily. Their faces dropped. "Oh..." Ricky said. I looked at them confused. "What's wrong?" "Why?" Connor asked fumbling with the straw of his iced coffee. "Jc and I broke up." I said taking a sip of my coffee. "#Kustin was my otp...." Ricky said frowning. "Have you told Kian?" He asked. "No." I said pulling out my phone. "I can." I pressed the contact 'KiKi Bae' and called. "Hey!" He said. "Hi. I'm moving out." I said. "Okay, have you found an apartment?" "Yup." "Cool. Won't be as fun without you but, it's your life." He said which sounded so forced and sickeningly sweet. "One more thing." I said. His voice went stone serious. "Yes?" "I broke up with Jc." "Why? Did he fucking hurt you?!" He yelled into the phone. "Kinda... but I'm fine." I said smiling knowing that I had other people in my life. "Be right back, gonna go kick Jc's ass." Before I could stop him, he hung up.

Dear God, help Jc Caylen.

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