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Mant gently settles Montani on her bed. He divests both of them of their weapons before taking Montani's boots off and covering her. He would have done more, but didn't think Montani would appreciate it.

Once he makes her as comfortable as he can he sits next to her and takes her hand in his. He calls to her using the mind speech begging her to talk to him. He does so for so long with no response that he's just about to give up.

Suddenly Montani starts speaking, "The sunset was so beautiful. The entire sky was lit with a fiery glow, the sky stripped with brilliant red streaks. It helped me put things in perspective." Mant thinks that maybe she has finally lost her sanity, but Montani continues her narrative.

"Since none loved me enough to take the test, the challenge, I would marry Grady. So what if I didn't love him? He wasn't so terrible and his seven children were adorable. I left quickly to tell my parents my decision.

"But something was wrong, as I neared the house there was no noise or activity. Just the smell of death and another smell I couldn't identify.

"As I entered the house I slipped in what I later found to be blood and a piece of candle. After lighting it I found my mother's head, her face locked in terror.

"I looked around the house, everything was destroyed. My family was pulled into pieces and thrown haphazardly about. Some pieces landed in the rafters.

"I pushed my feelings down, I became wooden, feeling nothing. Only by doing that, being that, could I stay sane, continue functioning. I found my father's hunting knife, a small bag, my mother's ring and in the secret compartment a few coins and my father's prized flute. I took those few things and left the house. The destruction was just as bad in the barn.

"I took the dried hay and straw stored there and filled the house. I gave my family an elvish burial because that was all that I could do for them. I played their spirits onward with my father's flute. Once I was sure that the house would completely burn I did the same for the animals in the barn.

"By the time I was done the sky was streaking the soft light of morning. The trail left by the evil creatures that did this to my family wasn't hard to see. Especially not to my trained eyes, but even untrained it wouldn't have been hard to follow.

"I lost myself to the tracking of the enemy. I was so focused that I didn't even notice where the trail was leading. I got there just as Mauntie was fighting the third of them alone. They both fell and one of the already fallen creatures moved.

"I quickly went to each monster and stabbed them through the eyes with the hunting knives I held. Then I went to help Mauntie.

"After I helped Mauntie I had no desire to live. I had forgotten about the forbidden forest and the legends attached to it. I no longer cared. I was so filled with guilt and pain for being alive when my family was dead.

"It was so easy to slip into oblivion, to just let go. The darkness surrounded me and comforted me with the emptiness. I was annoyed that I couldn't let go of life. But my will was starting to weaken and the oblivion was nearly complete.

"Then there was a brilliant light coming towards me and it destroyed the blessed darkness. It called to me and I ignored it. My will however fled towards it seeking help and strength, so I lived. By Mauntie's help I remained alive, barely.

"Because of his shield I was able to recover, but only just. Something was lost to me. Mauntie explained to me that I would regain my memories as I could handle the pain.

"Mauntie's shield is decaying and almost gone now. Mant I can't- I can't control the pain."

"It's okay Montani, I'm here." Mant holds her close to him and he sends thoughts of love and comfort and peace as the pain breaks free. He attempts to take as much of the pain as possible. The pain and grief is intense.

Montani's body is wracked by convulsions caused by the grief and pain that she suffered. During all this Mant holds her tight. His own tears of grief and pain and helplessness course down his cheeks.

The ordeal comes to an end, it seems to have taken an eternity. Yet still Mant continues to hold Montani. He makes sure that the others have been told about the evil ones and Manion's death.

Mant finds himself holding Montani and rocking her like a mother rocks her fussy child. He murmurs soothing words and softly strokes her hair.

He feels so inadequate to help Montani deal with the tragedy that was her life. How does he help someone with that much pain? How do you help someone that has lost so much, all the people they loved? How can he even hope to help?

He continues to stroke her hair and she falls into a deep sleep of exhaustion. Mant kisses her forehead and places her back onto her bed and covers her back up.

The others had felt her pain. She hadn't been able to maintain her mental blocks. They had all suffered and now understand why she had no emotions. They all do what they can to comfort her. They honor her for her strength and courage. None of them had the strength to deal with the pain like she had.

Montani had made many friends among the Eldar, although she had never realized it. She may have had her mask, but she was unfailingly kind to everyone. Even those that were jealous of her due to her close relationship with Mant.

Mant gets up to leave and Montani cries out in fright. Her protector and comforter has left her. She is scared and alone. Then she feels him once more and she quiets down. Again Mant tries to leave and she cries out in fear, "No, don't leave me."

Mant goes back to her side and picks her up once more. He falls asleep holding her. Molani checking up on them smiles to herself, the healing has begun at last.

Molani laughs to herself, Montani has chosen well, she has chosen the best. The best part is, he's as good as trapped. They will do very well together, very well indeed. Soon Montani will be her daughter in truth. It's about time, about time.

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