Chapter 1

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Dylan's POV

I silently yawned as I waited for the bell that will signal the end of the class. It was just the first day of my senior year and I'm already bored to death. It was already the last period and our professor has not showed up. The replacement teacher just told us to sit and wait for the bell. Goodness... he could have just sent us home... what kind of teacher was absent on the first day... this really sucks.

Before the bell rang... I felt a paper ball thrown at me... of course it synched directly on the bell thus no way of finding the culprit... but I had my suspicions... the bitches four. You see, there's this anime that I stumbled, because of my cousin, featuring four rich guys called the F4 that were bullies... my cousin, also my best friend, told me that there's more in the story than that... but I have no intention on watching it. Therefore I mentally called those four the bitches four.

It was really very typical in high school to have bullies. As I passed through the locker areas, I saw the some football jerk shoving a poor little nerd on the wall. On why... I don't know... and I don't care. He and his minions were laughing at the expense of the poor guy.

And as I watched the scenario, I saw a glimpse of hands on my way. I guess it's my turn now. I have a pretty good reflexes and can avoid them easily but I didn't. You might think that I might secretly be a masochist... but I'm really not. As my back hit the wall, I saw the bitches four towering me. Well... I can't really say towering since I'm taller than them... but you get the picture. The queen bitch, Courtney, was in front... it was her hand that pinned me by my shoulder. Princess bitch number 1, Emma was at her left smirking at me. Princess bitch number 2, Ashley was at her right staring at me. Last but not the least Princess bitch number 3, Andrea was at the back with her head down.

Come to think of it, of all the bitches... number 3 never laid a hand on me. She just followed then around. Maybe I should change her title to Chambermaid. I giggled on the thought which I think made Queen Bitch more irritated. "What's so funny? Nerd?"


You must have wondered why she called me nerd. Well... It's the persona that I projected. My hair was always tied in a bun... sometimes I braid them then tied it in a bun. No matter what style I did it always ended in a bun. Then I wore very thick eye glasses. If you changed my outfit from loose long sleeves and skinny jeans into pencil skirt and blazer, then I could look like a strict and authoritative teacher.

"Nothing... " I lied and earned another shove. "You need something?" I asked and pretended to be scared... but deep inside... I wanted to laugh out loud. She was so pathetic. She got nothing more productive thing to do than to trample on anyone that she though was below her. She was about to say something when her mouth was covered by the jerk's mouth.


Another typical high school scenario. Jocks/jerks date queen bitches. Oh... all four was also part of the cheer team which was again... typical. The jerk must have finished his business with the poor nerd. I saw the other bitches and jerks was also in a tight lip locked... well... except for chambermaid. She was just standing at the back. The poor nerd was nowhere in sight. He must have scrambled and ran the moment he was release. Poor fellow... and it was just the beginning to school year. Oh... I think this was also the perfect time for me to scram.

I successfully reached the parking lot and my car. It was an old model of toyota that was painted pure black. My car looked like it was about time send it to the junk to be crushed. But hey... looks can be deceiving as I like to keep a low profile. I unlocked my car and sat at the driver seat. The interior of my car was pure leather. The engine was also a hybrid with nitro... cool huh! My car might look rugged on the outside but everything inside was the latest model. I won't go into detail as I knew not everyone was car freak.

It took me a total of 30 minutes to reach my house. Yes, my house. I live alone. Well... not alone because my cousin stayed with me. As for my parents... maybe another time. I opened my garage and parked my car. I opened the door that led to the basement, that was were my cousin usually spent her time.

"'How's school cuz?!" She greeted me. She knew I already came because my house was filled with hidden security cameras and sensors. All of them was linked in the computers in the basement and my room that was managed by my cousin.

"Hey Dan! Whatzup!" I greeted back. Her eyes were still fixed at the monitor. My cousin Daniella or Dan for short was the same age as I am but she doesn't go to school. She's a genius in computer. Too bad she used to use that knowledge to hack different sites especially government agencies. Good thing she has not been caught yet.

"Get ready Dy! We're going for a ride!" She told me. Her eyes were still glued to the computer. I wonder where she's taking me.


I then went up to my room that was located at the second floor of my house. It was actually the only room in the second floor. I already had everything there... my own entertainment showcase, bathroom with jacuzzi, mini bar and a very large walk in closet. The second floor of my house was only half the size of the first floor. In short... my place was loft type kind of house.

I walked into the bathroom and started to take my clothes off. I first removed my long sleeves that left me with only my bra. I'm proud of my body. I had a perfectly sculptured abs that I worked long hours to attain. Take note... I had eight packs... not six. My tanned body was also adorned with a dragon tattoo. The end of the dragon tail encircled my navel which had belly ring. The dragon was coiled around my abs up to my collar bone. The head rested on my right shoulder. Cool huh? That earned me the nickname 'The Dragon".

After I removed all of my clothes, I took a quick shower. I didn't felt dirty since I didn't do any activities that required me to perspire. After enjoying my shower, I went to my large closet which contained almost the same type of clothes. I chose black tank top and put on my black leather jacket with a dragon design. The also wore black skinny jeans and boots. I put on some make up and dried my dyed dark hair...I was a natural blonde. I'm lucky that my hair was natural straight that I didn't need to do anything. I let it down as usual. I also didn't bother to put my glasses since they have no grade. My visions were perfect... I just used then for disguise. However, I did put a grade less black contact lenses to hide my blue eyes. I dyed my hair dark because I just think it's much cooler than being blonde.

Satisfied with my appearance, I walked back down and saw my cousin sitting in the living room watching some anime using my big flat screen television. She was munching a bag of Doritos. "Where to? Dear cousin?" I asked.

See turned off the television and motioned for me to follow her. "It's a surprise dear cousin." She said with a smirk on her face and by the look of it... I knew I wouldn't be disappointed.

I took a sit at her car which was a latest model of Enzo Ferrari. It was the car that I gave to her on her birthday. You must have thought I'm super rich that I just gave away a Ferrari. Well... my parents were rich but I got that by my own and again... that's story was for another time.

At the speed that she was going... you can never tell that she was driving a Ferrari... what a waste... my cousin drove like a grandma... well I can't blame her... for her parents died on a car accident.

At last! After million years she stopped the car at an abandoned warehouse. "We're here! Grab the bag and follow me!". She ordered. I grabbed the duffle bag and followed her. As we entered the abandoned warehouse, I observed that it was dimly lit that looked liked the killer's nest. He reached a door and I followed her down the stairs that led into another door. On how my cousin knew this place... I have no freaking idea! When we walked further... I heard screaming and yelling. My heart beat faster in anticipation. I can already tell what lies behind the closed door which was guarded by two gorillas.

"Password." Gorilla number 1 said.

"Bloodlust." Dan answered.

Gorilla number 2 then opened the door and let us in. My cousin smirked as she saw me smiled from ear to ear. It's been a long time since I've been in this place.

"Here we are cuz!" She said with a grin.

"Fight club!"

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