Chapter 20

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Dylan's POV

It was awkward when we went out of the photo booth. It think I crossed a line. My confidence was boosted due to the fact that I knew that she liked me too although she told the other me.

I need to tell her.

Instead of going in a fancy restaurant, he ordered take outs and went to out spot. I have added some lights and supplies since it became out hang out.

Apparently, Dan and Andrea seemed to be getting a long well. I can't believe that my cousin was in her boy shorts and sports bra while playing in the lake with Andrea who was also only wearing her undies.

Ashley and I were up the tree house. Tense and heavy aura surrounded us. "They sounds like they were having a real good time." I said, trying to break the ice.

"Yeah. They seemed to get along well." She added.

"We need to talk." I started.

"I know." Was her short response.

"I like you." I said.

"I like you too." She said but I sensed a 'but'.

"But I ..." She was about to continue when I interrupted her.

"You're not gay!" I finally said. I really hated those lines.

"No. I was over that! Andrea helped me realized that I don't have to label myself. I am who I am."

"Then what's the problem?" I asked. If she liked me then what the hell's wrong?

"But I like someone else too." She whispered.

"Too?" Oh... Was there other person or was she referring to the other me.

She laughed.

What's funny?

"Hey! Have you gone mental on me?"

"No! No!" She said between laugh. "It's just so funny because just a week ago, I was talking about you with her and now it felt like deja vu."


"Anyway, you are both so much different... You are... "

"A nerd?" I playfully teased.

"No! Okay yeah! You're a nerd and she's so bad ass! But you are both kind and brave and courageous. And add the fact that you both saved my life. So there... you both came into my life at the same time... so it hurts to choose."
I felt her pain when she said those words. I don't know if it was a good idea to come out to her but I can't take it anymore.

"What would you do if you can have both?"

"I can't I only have one heart and it's unfair." She really was a good person. She was really different person than before.

"This other person... what's her name?"

"Her name's Dy. That's the only information I have. She was a complete mystery." She then began playing with fibers of the blanket.

"Dy is actually short for Dylan." That got her attention. When she looked at me, I used that opportunity to remove my eye glasses and when I didn't get the reaction I wanted, I then released my bun.

Transformation completed.

She froze.

"Oh my god!" She screamed as she lounged herself into mine and I fell backwards.

She was now lying on top of me with tears in her eyes. "I can't believe it... It was you... all along! It was you!" I felt relieved that she didn't hate me for the deception.

She then captured coiled her arms around my neck and captured my lips. We fought for dominance and I won in the end.

We broke the kiss for air and then she started hitting me in the chest.

"You stupid! Stupid! Idiot!" She said then kissed me hard.

"Do you know what pain you caused me?" She hit me again and kissed me hard.

"You stupid idiot! My stupid idiot!" She thankfully calmed down and we resumed our kiss. Unlike the first one, it was soft and slow.

I took this opportunity to flip us, I was now on top of her. She then slipped her hands under my shirt. She momentarily paused and smirked when she felt my belly button.

We resumed the kiss and she started tracing my abs and I did the same. She then started messing my hair when I started to kiss her jawline. A soft moan was released when trail kisses down to her collar bone.

The heat of the moment was interrupted when we heard our company going up the tree house. "Damn!"

"Woah!" Dan she when she saw me.

"I told her." I said, answering her unspoken question.

"Okay!" She then grabbed a towel and started to dry herself. She also gave on to Andrea.

"Somebody fill me in." Andrea said,

"You remember about the two girls I made out with?" Andrea nodded at Ashley. "Turned out to be one person." She added while pointing at me.

"Seriously?" Andrea screamed in shock.

"Seriously!" Dan, Ashley and I said in unison.

We all laughed.

It was a good laughed.

"So what now?" Andrea asked while looking at the two of us.

"Well now... I do this." I then turned to look at Ashley. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" She yelled and again lounged herself at me.

Then we kissed.

We kissed hard.

We kissed until someone cough.

"It's really great that you two are finally together, but it's getting chilly... so can we go home and change? Then we can continue this somewhere more comfy." We all agreed at my cousin's suggestion so we packed up our stuff and drove home.

We decided to bring Ashley and Andrea home first to get some stuff then we would spend the night at my place. We left their car at the mall, she said that she'll have one of their drivers pick it up.

As we reached their gate, something felt odd. I notice both girls tensed up when they saw the cars parked outside.

"They're back." Ashley whispered.

"I believed so... But they shouldn't be back for another month." Andrea replied as I parked my car.

"I know and who owned those cars."

"I don't have any idea but I'm having a bad feeling about this."

"Let's go and find out then." I said and unlocked the door. We all went out and my senses were in high alert. As if some monster was waiting the big oak door.

The door opened and we were greeted by the butler. "I see that the lady have some company." He politely said. "But I'm afraid this isn't the right time. Your parents are waiting in the hall for you with some very important guest."

"So they are really back."

"Yes. They are in the hall."

"I'll be there in a while. I'll just change" She said as she pulled me in. "Come on Dy, let's go to my room."

And as we were about to go up to her room, someone walked out from the door.


It was Chris!

It's time to settle this once and for all.

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