Chapter 8

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Dylan's POV

The ride to her house was smooth and fast. But for me, it felt like forever. Since it was already late, there were only few cars in the road. I silently giggled every time I heard her faint and scared voice when I overspeed or beat the red lights. Also, some where in our journey, I managed to do a wheelie that earned me a little smack on the back after she squealed like a helpless girl. It's just so unfortunate that I can't see her reaction but I'm sure that it was cute.

Good riddance! Here I am again thinking how cute she was. Just this afternoon I can't barely stand her group and now all I can think was her cuteness. There must be something really wrong about me.

When we reached the gate of her subdivision, I stopped in front of the gate, a security guard then approached me. I knew for a fact that he started working here after I left for I don't recognized him when I used to live here. "Good Evening ladies." He greeted us. I opened my visor and greeted back while Ashley removed her helmet.

"It's me. She's a friend." She told him.

"Okay ma'am." He replied and gave her a friendly salute. "Have a good night ladies." The gate opened when he cleared us. Like Ashley said before, this subdivision was really safe... if only she knew... since it had a very tight checkpoint and a roving security guards 24/7. No one can enter without being vouched by the residents.

"Where to?" I asked. Even if I lived here before, I never really went out a lot therefore I was not able to make any friends. One big factor for that was Dani, back then and until now, we got each other and were satisfied with each other's company.

"Go straight then turn right at the second intersection. Then turn another right after the big pink gate. Go straight again and you'll see a black and grey gate and that's me." It's a small subdivision, I'm sure I won't get lost. I released the brake and proceed to journey our way to her house.

I had a feeling of nostalgia while traversing this road. Some time in the past, I rode my bicycle here with my cousin on my back. We used to ride my bike when everyone's at work or every children were at school. Dani and I were home schooled that's why we have complete control of our time. We were allowed to slack off as long as we do our work.

As I reached their gate, it was then I noticed the biggest house at the end of the subdivision. Suddenly, flashes of unwanted memories began to attack me. Some were good but some were bad.

"Dylan! Dani! Eat your food. Mrs. Remington will be here shortly."


"Dy! Look at this! I made a new game program!"

I froze.


"Dy... Remember... Mommy loves you so much..."

It was such a long time since that unfortunate event happened. It surprised me to be this affected.


A hard slap on my back shook me out of my reverie. "Huh?"

"Goodness gracious! Where have you been?" She asked dramatically. It was then that I realized that she was already standing in front of me and the gates were already opened.

"Sorry." I muttered. "I was just... " What do I tell her? That I remembered my past at the sight of the house? I can't tell her that. "I was just... " For the first time in my life... I was lost for words.

"It's the biggest house here." She said. She must have noticed that I was still staring at the big house. "Too bad no one lives there."

"Oh... such a waste." I acted cool.

"Yeah... so many stories surrounded that house."

"Okay." There's only one true story behind that house and that story was something I'd prefer not to be told ever again.

"So... Let's get inside?" She asked.

Part of me wanted to join her but part of me wanted to get the hell away from this place. The latter won. "Some other time. It's late."

"Okay then." Her voice sounded disappointed and I fought the urge to accept her tempting invitation. "Some other time then." She handed me my helmet back but I didn't took it.

"Keep it!" I said. "Gives me a reason to come back." I saw glint of happiness on her eyes the moment I said those words even though she tried to hide it. And even if it was dark, the street lights and the full moon illuminated her face. She was as red as tomato.

She was able to recover fast and 'flirted' back? "You don't need any reason to see me. Drop by anytime you pleases." With a wink, she turned around and walked towards the opened gate.

"She got me there..." I shook my head and went back to my house. A minute more and I could go crazy on this place. I though I'm ready. I guess... I was wrong.

Good thing that my genius cousin installed a hand free device on my helmet that's connected to my phone. After pressing a few buttons, I hear her phone rang, unfortunately, she seemed unavailable hence no one answered.

"Hey... I'm currently unavailable right now. Please leave a message... or not..."


It was this kind of situation that I realized that I wishes I had someone to talk to. Dani tends to disappear a lot when we both reach 'adulthood'. It didn't bother me much because we always kept in contact and I never really faced this kind of situation.

"Hey dear couz! Need to talk to you... Call me asap." And with that I sped up but not in the direction of my house but on the place that gives me solace.

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