Chapter 3

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Dylan's POV

The crowed's cheers and yells started to mellow when my opponent and I started encircling the ring. We were both very focused and cautious. We both knew that in one wrong move, our fight or even our lives could end.

I was not one of those fighters who looked down on their opponents. No, I treat them with equal respect. I don't brag or mock. I just do my best to win. Based on my experience and long history in fighting, those who under estimated their opponents always ended up on the loosing end.

We started with jabs, still sizing each other. The crowed had gone completely silent. The tension in the air was so thick that it began harder to breathe or was it because I'm fighting for the first time again. I threw a few more jabs, our fight looked like a boxing match and both of us were taking our time. There was no time limit. There was no referee. There was no rules. Only us.

Based on what I learned, she just had 11 fights, and those numbers wasn't even a half of my fights not including the unorganized one and the street fights. My cousin was not able to pull any information on her anywhere aside from her fighter profile so it made me wonder where has she been.

She was staring at my eyes as she threw a combination of punches. I managed to dodge them. She's fast but I'm faster. She continued to shower me with punches which I continued to dodged and blocked. However, she surprised me with a round about kick. I managed to jump backwards but I was a little too late. Her toes must have reached the end of my nose as I felt slight sting. I checked it using my palm and saw blood. Her toes managed to scratch me. Damm!

I then decided to retaliate. I lunged forward and threw combination of punches. Uppercut, Hook, Straight. She managed to dodged and blocked them but I saw her struggle. For someone who had not fought in a long time, I'm not as rusty as I thought I am.

It's time to take this to the next level. I came from the red corner so I should be the aggressive one. Besides, the people needed to see some action and made their bucks worth it. I wonder if someone betted for me. I lunged forward and delivered a right straight punched, as expected she dodged if but she was not expecting my left hook. It successfully connected with her rib cage and I think I heard her ribs cracked. That should slowed her movements more. However, she was one hell of a stubborn fighter! She grabbed me and delivered a punch directly to my face. It hurts like hell as my as had a weak jaw, good she missed it, but I think my nose's broken. I instantly smelled iron and tasted blood as they traveled to my lips.

Our bodies was still too closed for our liking, she was punching me in the body because I managed to hid my face where she can't do real damaged. I then also grabbed her and deliver several knees on her stomach. I let her go when I felt her grip loosen. When we pulled back, I noticed her struggling for air, it's my chance. Without any hesitation or remorse, I attacked her with all my might. Two straight punches to the head and followed by a round about kick to the temple, she fell into the ground as my kick connected.

Some crowed cheered and yelled when she fell down. Some booed. Some where screaming for her to get up. I looked at where Leo's standing and he shook his head 'no'. This fight ain't over yet. I checked on my opponent and saw that she was starting to stand up. Her face were also bloodied and bruised were beginning to show on her body.

A few more seconds and she was standing up in a fighting stances. I admired her determination but I won't pity her which I'm sure she appreciated. We were fighters, not saint. We do this for our own reasons. I gladly accepted her unsaid challenge. Her eyes were full of determination. If if there's a chance, then maybe we could have been good friends.

She took a step slowly and took a deep breath. What happened next was something I didn't expect. She started to dance... it was capoeira. Good thin I played tekken a lot Eddy's one of my favorite characters. She was doing Ginga and slowly walking towards me. I steadied my grounds, even though I knew the moves, yes... I did taught my self somehow coz I'm very amazed by the beauty of that technique, I never actually used it. She was getting closer and closer so I stepped backwards. She must have seen my confusion because I saw an added confident in her move. I knew what was coming next so I braised myself. I pondered whether to dance with her or just stay put. I decided on the later. Capoeira's best danced with music anyway.

As she reached her desired distance, she then decided to give me an Armada, a round house kick, since I was already expecting that move. I caught her feet in the air and countered with my own round house kick. She fell down again. I was about to finish her but I saw that she blacked out. I then stood up and raised my hands.

The crowed cheered and someone entered the ring to check on her. She was starting to gain consciousness when her friend/manager or whatever started tapping her face. I must have hit her weak spot. As a gentleman or sportsman, I went to help her and offered my hand. She shook it and thanked me. "Great fight!" I said as I exited the ring.

"There you go ladies and gentlemen! The Queen is back! The winner, The Dragon!" The announcer said as I continued to exit the ring. I was given a towel by my cousin and we walked back to the lockers for me to freshen up.

"As expected couz! You did great!" She said as we entered the room.

"I'll just have a quick shower and we can scram." I told her. I have won the fight but my opponent did gave me a fair beating. She sure give one hell of a punch. Besides, I think I need someone to pop back my nose.

"Take your time couz, we won't be going till the last bout. You need to watch the main event." She said as she took a seat then opened her iPad.

After making sure that I was clean enough, I put on my clothes and sat besides my cousin while drying my hair. "So... What's so special about the main event?" I asked her.

"Look!" She told me as she pointed at the soundless monitor.

And when I saw the two people fighting in the screen, my blood began to boil. I never expected to see her again. But then again, we were living in such a small world. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist as I watched the blonde haired woman on the screen. The one who broke me... physically, mentally and emotionally.

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