Chapter 7

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Dylan's POV

I froze when I realized that the person I just saved was one of my most hated person in school. However, as I held her in my arms, the slutty and bitchy Ashley was nowhere to be found. What I saw was a vulnerable and helpless girl. Maybe it's just the aftermath of this event.

I took off my hoodie and gently placed it over her shoulder. I silently thanked myself for wearing a baggy t-shirt that perfectly hid my tattoo. She gladly accepted it as I carried her bridal style. She snuggled into me as I walked towards my house.

In one swift motion, I managed to open the door which was left unlocked and proceed directly to the second floor where my room was located. I gently laid her to the bed as I took some clothes out. "Here, you may want to wash up." I gave her the clothes as well as a new towel then pointed to her the direction of the bathroom.

When I heard the shower, I got down to make some hot chocolate. She was already dressed and sitting at the end of my bed when I came back. "Here. It will help." She took it and gave me a gentle smile. It was the first time that I saw her smile like that. It was gentle and sincere. I can also see the sincerity in her eyes. Looking at her up close and personal, I realized that she had a deep blue eyes just like mine but hers was more beautiful. And I felt like I was being absorbed and pulled by those eyes.

"Thank you again for helping me." She said, pulling me back to reality.

"What are you doing there anyway?" I asked. I can't help but think why a girl like Ashely would be alone at the middle of the night.

"Well..." She paused and blushed. I'm not sure if she was embarrassed or what but one thing was for sure... She's so cute when she blushed. Shit! Did I just said cute? Damn! She took a deep breath and started again. "Chris, my boyfriend or ex-boyfriend now, and I had a fight. Then he just kicked me out of the car."

"That jerk! How could he so that!"

"Coz he's a jerk." She said as she let out a giggle. Goodness! Even her giggles were intoxicating.

"Why didn't you call a cab? Or someone?"

"I needed to clear my head so I decided to walk for a while. I'm not familiar in these area and I didn't expected to encounter those guys."

"There's really no safe on this planet you know?" I stated the obvious and she laughed. I laughed too and had forgotten about my torso. I winced in pain and it did't go unnoticed by her.

"Oh my goodness! You're hurt!" She said and was about to approach me but told her that it's okay. I can't risk her seeing my tattoo.

"Anyway, it's not safe anywhere to walk in the dark alone. There's so many bad people around."

"But our subdivision's safe. It has 24/7 security and you can't just enter without proper identification." Oh, so she's really a princess huh. I knew people who lived on that part of the town was super loaded. I knew because I used to live there.

"I better take you home then. You're parent's must be worried." I offered.

"Nah... they won't." She paused and looked around. "Where's your parent?"

"I live alone." Was my quick answer. I just hope she doesn't ask more. I don't really like talking about my family.

"Wow! Cool!" She said. She tried to be amused but I sensed loneliness on her voice.


"Sorry... I'm Ashley by the way. Ashley Newman." She then held her hand.

"Call me Dy" I took her hand and felt a jolt that sent shivers on my body and I think she felt it too. This was so not good...

"I still better take you home." I said as I ran out of the room. When I reached for the garage, I held my chest and felt my heart beating faster that usual. I have never felt like this before.

I took my key and was about to unlock my car when I realized that she might recognize my 'old and beat up' car. Well, I can't take the cars from the basement because it's going to be suspicious. Then, I saw the solution parked on the other side of the garage covered in cloth. I removed the cloth to reveal my dark blue Ducati. Yeah baby! I look more bad ass with this!

I hopped on, started the engine and drove my bike out of the garage and parked it in front of the house. I then returned to the garage and took two helmets from my collection. Safety first! I went back inside and saw that she was sitting at the sofa in the living room. "Here!" I offered her one of the helmets.

"What's this for?" She asked.

"Uhm... Helmet... For bike..."


"So... You have problems with bike?"

"No... It's just... I never rode one before."

"Then I'll be honored to give you your first experience." Smooth! But doesn't it sound perverted? Errr... never mind. "Wait here." I then ran upstairs to changed into jeans from sweat pants and grabbed two hoodies. "Here, it can be quite chilly outside."

"Thanks!" She took the hoodie and as our finger touched again, I felt the same jolt of electricity. Oh boy...

We went outside and I locked my house. I hopped on first then helped her get on my back. Good thing I wore my gloves on our way out therefore, there was no jolt with our contact. I wore my helmet and she wore hers. She then placed her hands on my shoulder and I silently laugh.

"Do you wanna fall?" I asked her.

"No why?" She asked. Obviously confused.

I then took her hands and placed it on my waist. "Hold on tight!" I ordered her.

She obeyed my command and tighten her hold. And as I started the engine, I felt her snuggle on my back. It was then that I felt my heart skipped a beat.

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