Chapter 15

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Dylan's POV

The roars of different motorcycle echoed through the usually placid night.

Brats, socialites and the likes, danced around loud music that blasted from different speakers and boosters.

Men dressed up as hard punk, women dressed up slutty and some like me dresses up in a riding suit.

Disco light balls provide visibility that the moon was not able to fully provide.

Everything was set-up on pick-up trucks for easier escape. All in all, it was a well organized underground biking event.

Just moments upon registration, my cousin and I were given a map. The route extended to the main city then back here. It's around hundred kilometers long and would not take more than an hour.

Glow in the dark markers where placed strategically around the area. There were also people that serves at look-up and guide.

"You ready couz?" My cousin asked as I checked the bike.

"Since when am I not?" I cockily responded but she knew I'm just boosting ego.

"Good point." She replied and kneeled beside me. "All good?" She already knew the answer by the sound that the bike was making but she still had to be sure.

I nodded and stood up. She did the same. Looking around, I saw familiar people from the past. Some if them acknowledged me and some threw in a death glare with a finger. But most people I don't recognized.

"So the almighty dragon has finally emerged from her nest." A familiar raspy voice said from behind.

I smirked and smiled upon hearing him. "Mike!" I turned around and hugged him tight. "It's been a while!"

"Damn right it has been! It's great to see you old friend! Now, someone will surely give me a nice challenge." He hugged back.

"Oh, you mean someone will finally kick your butt?"

Mike and I goes way back. We met at an underground race when I was just starting. He was a genius in wheels and was able to get the title of 'King' before I defeated him. Unlike others, he took the lost well and acknowledged his loss.

I have heard rumors that he fell in love with me at first sight but was too shy or afraid to make a move. I always brushed it off as a joke but the fact that he's blushing right now at my mere smile proves otherwise.

"I see you still have your ego!"

We laughed. It's great to see old friends. First, Leo and now Mike. They were important people in my life besides Dan who made this all possible.

"There's an awfully lot of new faces here." I said.

"Yeah... and a lot has happened since you left." At that moment, his expression changed. "There's this one group of rich bastards that acted like they rule the place."

"Then how did they even be allowed here?"

"Big time influence. One of them is the son if the mayor, who controlled the police force, which makes this whole party a lot less worrisome for the organizers." That was a shame. One factor that added the thrill was the though of being caught. It seemed like the organizers were leaning on the safe side.

"What a shame." I'm beginning to lose interest in participating but I can't back out now. It will look like that I chickened out and we have already placed out bet. Dan gave two rolls out hundred dollar bills upon registration and that's around twenty gran which I don't plan on donating. Beside's I got a reputation to protect.

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