Chapter 4

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Dylan's POV

It was such a grueling morning. I woke up with pain on every muscles in my body. I hated the pain but at the same time missed them. It was a remembrance of what I am.

I stood up and walked towards my bathroom to shower and change. I removed my night clothes as I stared at my body mirror. The left side of my torso was badly bruised. There's also a discoloration on the bridge of my nose and apparently I got a long slash on my face. It originated from the center of my nose and ended on the right side of my face. That girl really had a long toe nails. She should be called the cat woman instead of the destroyer. I chuckled at the thought... talk about irony... the destroyer got destroyed. I just hoped I didn't ended her career.

My nose was assaulted by the smell of bacon. Aside from being a computer whiz, she knew human anatomy well enough to take care of my injuries because I have always hated hospitals even though I get into fight a lot. She's not really a great cook but she tries to learn and bacon's one of them. I'm so lucky to have her on my side. I wonder why she put up with me. She could literally do anything she wanted.

"Morning couz! How are you?" She greeted me as she plated the bacon. I saw that she also cooked eggs and the bread was already toasted.

"Morning couz! Sore all over... but felt great! Thanks for last night!" I said as I sat on the opposite side of the table. We ate in silence until she got notification on her iPad. "Busy as ever huh?"

"Yeah... doing some digging for a friend... no biggie." She replied. "Oh... by the way..." She then stood up and took something from her bag. "Here! Catch!" She threw me a ball of greens. When I got a good look at it, it was hundred dollar bills. "Your prize!" And she continued to throw me a few more rolled bills.

I smirked and put if on the side of the table. "Here!" I threw her some rolls of bill. "For you!"

She caught it but threw it back at me. "Nah... I'm still good. Besides, your pool's open. I can just take some if I needed some." She said with a smirk. My dear cousin was talking about the box on the basement where I put all my winnings. It was already overflowing with rolls of hundred dollar bills, a single roll must have amounted no less than ten gran. Oh yeah I'm rich! Ha!Ha!

"Sure! Help yourself!" If there's one person that I trusted my life, it was none other than my cousin. She was orphaned at a very young age and my parents weren't there for me so we only have each other. "I got to go! School's waiting!"

"Enjoy!" She replied with a grin. "Oh! And block your friday night! We got places to be!" I then nodded and waved goodbye wondering where she'll be taking me this time.

Alas! I reached school with thirty minutes to spare. I went directly to my first class which was advance science and read some chapters. After a few minutes, people started gathering in and seconds before the teacher went in, the bitches four entered. I watched them as they took their seat. As usual, Queen Bitch was as bitchy as ever. Princess two was bitching with queen bitch but princess three and chambermaid was sitting quietly.

"Ok class, I have a good news and bad news for you." My classmates sighed and booed. Normal... "We will be having a project, to be submitted at before christmas break." My classmates booed louder. "Don't worry, you'll have to work in a team and since you were twenty seven in my class, then I'll group you in threes.

"Come on teach! Can't we group ourselves?" Joel, one of the basketball player asked. Our teacher was quite young and laid back that was why student was not afraid to open their mouths.

"I'm afraid not Mr.Wilson." He addressed him using his surname. "Okay, here were the groupings..." She then started stating out names. I crossed my fingers and hoped not to be partnered with any of the bitches four, but my prayers were unanswered. "Courtney, Emma and Roman." Oh poor Roman! He's a total nerd and I'm sure he'll be doing all the work. Paring up with the top two bitches. I could already sense his agony. Well.. That's two down and two to go. "... Ashley, Andrea and Dylan!" Holy cannoli! Not one but two bitches... Oh well... it's seemed I got the same fate as Ramon but they were the lesser of the evils, bitch princess 2 and chambermaid must not be that bad. "You may take each of these papers and your project requirements were all there. They were self explanatory but if you need to discuss you can ask me anytime. So now, please open your books at page..." I drifted off as she began her lessons. This was going to be interesting.

Finally the bell rang so everybody stood up to go to their next classes. I was walking towards my locker when somebody yelled at me. "Hey nerd!" Ooooop! It was the queen bitch! I wonder what she wanted. It's too early for bullying and my body's still sore, I'm really not in the mood to play with her.

"What?" I turned around and she shoved me at the locker. I winced in pain from my torso as she pressed on my shoulder.

"You!" She pointed a finger at me. "As in you will be doing the project alone as Ashley and Andrea will be busy for something else!" She paused. "Got it?"

"Yeah!" I replied. Not that I was really expecting any help from them. She then let go of me an I went towards my next class. Fortunately, I was only with them for the first and last class.

The day went by smoothly. For lunch, I took a nap at the roof top and missed the next class. My last class was study period and I was tempted to ditch it but decided otherwise. For some kind of reason, I was being pulled into coming to the class. Maybe I can do our assignments or study the science project. I haven't really looked into it. I got in just before the bell rang and the first group of people I saw was the bitches four. I took a seat and waited for the teacher.

After a few seconds, a young female that was wearing a grey pencil skirt and white button up shirt entered the room. When she faced us, my jaw dropped as I recognized the owner of the figure that just entered. Our teacher for study period was the same person I fought last night... the destroyer.

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