Chapter 5

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Dylan's POV

"Hello everyone! I'm Jane Finn. You may all call me Ms. Finn. I'm new here and was assigned mostly to 1st and 2nd years. This study hall was the only class that I'll handle for seniors." She introduced herself. I noticed that when she entered, she was slightly limping and was supporting her torso. Maybe her ribs still hurt.

I slowly adjusted my thick eye glasses and bowed my head as I listened to her. As much as possible, I avoided direct eye contact with her. I knew that she won't be able to recognized me at my disguise but the thin slight scratch mark on my face was a dead give away. I knew I managed to cover if as good as she tried to cover her bruised face but it's still visible in an observant eye.

"Ms. Finn!" A male student raised his hand and called our teacher. "Why were you absent on the first day?" He asked. "Isn't that irresponsible for a new teach?" He added, mocking her. I then noticed that he was one of the jerk's minion, he was trying to provoke her.

"I had an important event to attend to yesterday and the principal was notified." She responded confidently.

"Teach! Teach!" Another jock raised his hand. It was not a sign of respect but as a mockery of a kindergarden.


"You looked so young to be our teacher!"

"That's because I'm really young." She answered politely. I sensed irritation on her voice but she knew that she needed to set an example.

"How young then?" Another jock followed. They were really playing with her. Good thing this was just study period. I then decided to get the paper for our science project in order to read the requirements.

"I just turned 23." Was her short and quick answer. Some did a wolf whistle but she ignored it, trying to keep her cool. "So if there's no more question, then you can do whatever you desire after you all introduce yourselves and I'll be here to babysit." She emphasized the word 'baby' before she took a seat.

"One more question teach!" Another stupid jock said.

"Go on then."

"What happened to your face? Some one beat you up?" I gulf at that remark. I tried my best to hold my laughter. Someone did notice, but yet again, he was sitting directly in front of her.

"Oh!" The expression of her face changed. She got busted. "I fell." Oh yes she did fell! She fell after I had beaten her to the ground. "Now, no more questions everyone and introduce yourself one by one."

"Yes ma'am!" The jocks/jerks said in unison. They were starting to annoy me. If I loose my temper, I'm going to beat them all in a pulp. From the first row, students started to give their name and give brief back ground. When it was my turn, I acted normal and just introduced myself. I just hoped she didn't recognize me.

After everyone was finished. I then started to read at the paper that I was holding for the last nth minute. I tried my best to stay invisible and read silently.

Science Project

1. It can be anything that you learned from 1st to 3rd year. If you want to tackle topic what will be discussed on your 4th year then you may do so.

2. It does not have to be original. You may recreate or enhance previous projects but originality have extra points.

3. You may use any materials as long as they are safe and hazard free.

4. You need to draft a report first that contained the summary of your project, background, reason for making, and materials to use.

5. Last, the project must be made by all three of you and it needed to be recorded from start to finish. Video must not be edited in anyway.

We needed to video tape our work? Oh my freaking goodness! I don't really care if I need to work on this alone. But since we need to video tape it, then I believe I got no choice.

I turned around and luckily, chambermaid was sitting directly behind me. She was reading a book while three other bitches were just chatting. It's study hall, it's time for students to do homework or study and these people were wasting precious time. No wonder they were flunking. Using a pencil, I underlined the fifth instruction then placed it on top of her book. She was startled at first then raised an eye brow. I then pointed at the fifth rule. They must not have looked at the paper yet or doesn't have any intention in reading it.

She sighed and shook her head. She then tapped Ashley's shoulder gently to get her attention.

"What?" She said. Obviously annoyed at being disturbed.

"Here." Was Andrea's short answer, she also pointed at the fifth rule.

"Oh shit!" Was Ashley's response. "Seriously!" She shook her head. Queen bitch's curiosity had gotten into her and took the paper that Ashley was holding.

"Fucking shit!" I grinned at them. I was already facing the board and was listening to their reaction. That science teacher was really smart. Maybe she also got bullied during high school into doing group projects alone.

"Any problem here girls?" I got distracted by our project and didn't noticed that out baby sitter was standing in front of the bitches. "I can tolerate gossips but not cursing. Anything troubling you girls?"

"None Ms. Finn." Chambermaid answered. "We were discussing the project for our science class."

"Yes Teach! Science project and it's stupid rule." Courtney added while handing the paper to her.

She read the contents and I saw her eyes widened in amusement. She must have reached the fifth rule. "Wow! This is genius!"

"What? That's stupid!"

"Well.. It is, when you're one of those irresponsible students who made others do their work for them." Bullseye! "You aren't one of them? Are you?" Damn right she is! That served those bitches a lesson. But then again, they can just 'act' doing it while not doing it. Oh boy!

After everyone had calmed down... I mean, the bitches four had gotten back into their business. I opened my phone to search for possible science project. But before browsing the net, I saw one SMS. I must be distracted enough not to notice my cousin's message.

Won't be back 'til Thurs night. Stay out of trouble! We got places to be on Fri!

I wonder what kind of gig that my cousin had gotten me this time.

The bell then rang and everyone including me started to leave the room. "Ms. Thompson, could you please stay for a moment?" Ms. Finn said. It was more like a statement rather than a request.

"Of course Ms.Finn." I responded.

When everyone left, she closed the door and looked at me from head to toe.

"What can I do for you Ms. Finn?" I politely asked.

"Nothing Ms. Thompson." She then walked slowly towards me. "I just wanted to say something." I gulf, she recognized me. I knew she was sharp. "I didn't expect to see you this soon, Almighty Dragon!" She said with a smirk.

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