[Chap. 1] Blossoming Stares

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Hey guys!!! New book hope like it. Let ke know ehat you think about it and dont forget to vote and comment. Also Asher on top as Blake Stevens.


It was a normal day today with me going to school and then later heading to my favorite shop I love so much.

The Flower Shop.

Yeah I know, what your thinking why in the world would a 16 year old boy have a job at the shop? Well it's simple really it's because I enjoy working there.

Anyways enough with the babbling let me introduce myself. My name is Asher Caleb Roberts, and I'm a 16 year old boy living with my uncle and his husband since my parents left me when I was younger. I never thought about asking my uncle why they did, but all he could tell me was that they loved me.

"I'm heading to work, Uncle." I said, putting on my work shoes that next to the front door.

I heard footsteps coming from the kitchen just now. Until I felt arms wrapping around my neck.

"Where do you think you're going? Without letting me give you a kiss before you leave?" It was none other than my uncles husband, Quinn.

Quinn is a sweet 24 year old, with hips and kinda a butt. That's probably why I keep hearing noises across the hall late at night. If you get my drift. He gets mistaken for a girl because of them and also his face.

"Uncle, Quinny! I wouldn't dare. You know I love you kisses."

"Aww, your too sweet Asher." He says, giving me my kiss.

"It's best you be heading to work, Asher before your late." My uncle Trevor says, coming from the staircase.

"Oh, right! I totally forgot." I said, running out the house hearing laughter behind me.


"Thank you, for shopping at Linda's Flower Shop please come again." I say, to a customer leaving.

Sigh. Today has been slow which is weird since we're usually packed with customers. Maybe because their too busy, or maybe they just don't want to.

I was suddenly brought outta my thoughts by the bell on top of the door shaking.

"Hello, and welcome to Linda's Flower Shop how can I help you today?" I asked, whoever walked through the door.

"Yes, you can help me." A strong voice says.

I turned around seeing a really handsome male with a stern looking face. And I'm pretty sure this man holds a lot of power by the way he dressed.

I noticed we kept on starring at each other for a long time until I eventually turned away from this starring contest we was having.

"Ahem, um..." I said trailing off since I have nothing to say and I'm pretty sure I was blushing like a teenage girl.

"Has anyone told you that you have really pretty eyes and a cute face?" This mysterious man asks me.

"Um, no actually. Th-thank y-you." Okay I'm pretty sure I was a deep shade of red about now. Oh, how freakin' embarrassing and right in front of Mr. Sexy.

"Oh, my apologies I didn't even introduce myself yet. My name is, Roman De Patterson nice to meet you." He says, holding out his hand for me to shake with a warm smile. I hesitated at first before I shocked this man's hand.

"And what might your name be, cutie?"

"It-it's Asher." I say shyly.

"Nice to meet you, Asher. Well I best be heading back to the office... it was great to meet you."

And with that he left. I couldn't help but think; 'he didn't even buy some flowers.'

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