[Chapt. 5] Dealing With It

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On top is Bernardo Velasco as Trevor, isn't he hot 😍😍😍!!! And yes he does have underwear on.

Asher's POV

Once I opened my eyes, I was somehow in my room laying in my bed. That's weird-- I don't recall coming back home yesterday and I certainly don't remember putting on my pajamas?!

I gotta outta my thoughts when I heard my room door had a knock on it.

I hesitantly told the person to come in; "Yes, come in." while I was still on the bed.

The person walked in revealing my Uncle Trevor, and Quinn with something in their hands.

"Good morning, Asher how did you sleep?" Uncle Trevor asked, me quietly not too loud.

"Umm... I slept okay. Hey, just a quick question- who brought me home, and how did I get into my pajamas?"

"Oh, glad you asked that question, Ashy because it was Mr. Roman who brought you home last night. When he did he told us that you fell asleep because you was really tired, so he took it upon his self to bring you home." Quinn says.

'Mr. Ro-Roman did!? I wonder if he's still here?'

I quickly got outta my bed to head down stairs to see if he really did spend the night here, while hearing my Uncle's yell at me from suddenly running out the room.

"Asher! Where are you going? You still didn't eat you're food we made you." Surprising it was, Uncle Trevor who said that.

As I made it to the bottom I instantly heard someone lightly snoring on our couch. I came closer and indeed it was Mr. Roman, who was asleep on our couch sleeping soundly.

"We didn't want him to go home so late yesterday that we insisted he stay the night. And to answer you're other question before, it was us who put you into you re pajamas by the way."

"Wait! So y'all saw my naked body?! Omg... I feel so embarrassed." I got hit in the head by Quinn, who had on a smile while doing it.

"Heavens child, calm down and by the way we've already seen you naked since you was a little boy." Quinn says, showing his mother side.

**And before you guys ask yes 'mother' because their like parents to him even tho their his uncle's.**

"B-but that still doesn't make it right... and i don't care if i was little at the time-- I still feel embarrassed." I siad, going into a pouty face, like a child.

"Hahaha... I see he's more energetic at home than at work." Mr. Roman says, while laughing.

"Oh, um sorry Mr. Roman we didnt mean for you to hear our little argument we was having... would you like something to eat before you head on your mary way?" Trevor asked.

"No, it's fine im not hungry but thank you for the offer though. Anyways, I best be going now, mother might be scared for me not comimg home yesterday, anyhow goodbye Trevor, Quinn, and Asher."

We watched as he politely opened the door and left the house without saying another word. Uncle Trevor and Quinn, went into the kitchen probably cooking them something to eat as I stayed in my spot.

As they did so, I took the curiosity to open the door and check if he really is gone and to my surprise he was still here just looking up at the sunny sky.

'What is he doing? Just looking up at the sky?' I questioned to myself.

"Pretty sky where having aren't we, Asher?" He asked, still looking at the sky.

"Uh-- yeah."

"Sighs... If I'm correct you're wondering why im still here, right?"

"Y-yes that is correct... But I was also wondering-- uh..."

'What is wrong? Am I too scared to ask this sudden question from him? Or, about what actually happened yesterday night?'

"You're confused aren't you, little one?" Mr. Roman asks, me while walking towards me.

"I-I... um.. Nooo." That's a lie! I was very confused.

"Hehehe... I figured. Listen up, Asher there is evil in this world that you and alot of people don't know about that you'll probably be scared if you learned the way." He said, lifting up his finger under my chin to make me look up at him. "But that'll have to wait for our next meeting, my little one."

With that he left, but before giving me a sneaky kiss on the forehead making me go bright red if I add.

'I'm sooo freaking embarrassed right now... but that did feel good.'


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if so don't forget to leave a vote and comment to let me know.

Okay until next time my lovelies, byeeee,🙂.

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