[Chapt 12] Boom In The Sky

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~~Asher's POV~~

The day quickly became night, and everyone is as getting ready to head to their rooms.

After talking to Kai and Felix, they headed to their rooms to do some "studying" whatever that means. When I looked back, Mr. Roman was shaking his head back and forth in a shameful manner.

'What's the problem?'

Uncle Trevor couldn't hold in his laughter at his friend, while Quinn just stayed in place. Probably feeling ashamed as well about the situation.


My feet took over and hid behind my Uncle's. They held me tight, especially Quinn since he's been like a mother to me since- well forever.

"What's wrong with Asher?" Mr. Roman suddenly asks.

While Quinn was rubbing my back to comfort me, Uncle Trevor decided to speak instead.

"He doesn't like thunderstorms, never have, and probably never will. He's been afraid of them since he was in diapers, and I guess he never got over that fear."  Trevor says while explaining my situation.

Mr. Roman put on a shocked face; "really!? But he's like seventeen." He questioned.

"Yes! Ever since that bad storm they hit us so many years ago, Asher has never been the same since." Quinn says.

I looked up at Mr. Roman's face to see that he was becoming- Red all of a sudden?

'Was it something they said? Now I'm embarrassed!'

~~Mr. Roman's POV~~

I couldn't help but hold in my laughter from hearing the news. That just made my mate ten times more cuter than he already was.

Honestly it's not rare to be afraid of thunderstorms, but I guess it hits differently if it's your own mate.

Right now we're all just standing in the once lively living room trying to figure out the arrangements for Asher to sleep with.

"He can sleep with us. Our couch can turn into a bed." Quinn suggested.

"Well honey, won't that be weird since Asher isn't a baby no more?" Trevor said.

As the two married couple kept going back and forth with each other, I suggested since he's my mate wouldn't it be safer if he just sleeps with me? And not in that way either you sick perverts!

"Why don't Asher sleep in my bed?" I finally said. The two quickly turned their attention towards me, and gave me a knowing look I would know all to well.

"...yeah ummm-" Quinn was cut short from his husband interrupting his sentence.

"That's a good idea! What do you think Asher? Are you okay sleeping with Mr. Roman for just tonight?"

I looked down at my mate, who was still holding onto his parent's tightly from earlier. Though, anyone who came into the room that Asher was trying to play it off like nothing happened.

"Y-yeah that'll be fine... Just for tonight though!" Asher says becoming red once again.

'Honeslty at this rate, I might have to put a wall between us tonight because me and especially my wolf wants to hold him right now for being cute. I'm telling you now, Asher will probably be the death of me and he doesn't even know it yet!"

" Great, splendid!" I quickly grabbed Asher's hand and dragged him towards my room for tonight.

'It'll be our room soon, just you wait!'

~~Bed Room~~

Asher immateriality walked around the room, getting all the good details he could see. His eyes was full of amusement. From what I could come up to my observation, this must have been his first time seeing a larger room like this. 

"Like what you see?" I asked him, while sitting on my bed.

He quickly turned his attention towards me and shock his head up and down. I gave him a half smile, seeing as though Asher was being cute and acting like a child getting it's candy on Halloween- how could I not smile at the boy?

"Does being the Alpha mean you always get he biggest room? Or is it only like a wolf thing?" Asher asked me.

"Not necessarily, no. I could ask for the smallest room and I'd be perfectly fine with it, but seeing as though some people might think that's wrong I just go with the flow honestly."

Asher put a hand under his chin. " Makes since, since you are technically the big boss. What other things you can do Mr. Roman?" Asher excitedly asked me with much curiosity in his face.

I only laughed at him, but didn't show it because I didn't want him to suspect something. I patted the seat next to me for him to come and finally Kay down. 

"I'll tell you more about it in the morning, Asher. It's time for bed, and if I was correct you're still afraid of thunger right?" After I said that, there was a big boom coming outside the window.

Immediately, Asher ran towards the bed and hid under the blankets. During all this while making me smile at his cuteness and him not even knowing so.

"There, there Asher. You're alright, let's head to bed okay?"

"A-ah yes pl-please!"


Hewoooo!!! I finally got done with this chapter, and if I'm being honest it kinda sucked in my opinion.

Let me know what y'all think in the comments section below and also y'all found out about Asher's fear of thunderstorms.

(Poor baby)

I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I was thinking of doing something for the Uncle's in the next chapter 🤫 maybe a little sus, maybe even an accidental pregnancy 😱 Lol idk yet! But I do want to have a chapter for the two since we all love them so much!

Alright, I'll see y'all in the next update! Byeeeeee!!!

~Ms. Panda

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