[Chapt. 8] Holding His Hand

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Sorry for the long wait guys! I'm just getting back into updating again so it's taking me awhile. So I'm determined to make the chapters really good for u guys! Love u 😁..

Asher's POV

I gotta admit it, cooking with Mr. Roman isn't such a bad thing after all. He helped me and Uncle out a lot. We was finishing up cooking when the front door opened revealing Uncle Trevor.

He looked tired, but that soon turned into a smile seeing Quin, dancing while cooking. He always does that, he says;
"it helps me move, and not make it so boring while cooking." Which I don't blame him, since it does be dead in here while cooking.

|Did I say what there jobs where? Lol, i cant remember. But let's just say that Trevor is a school principle, and Quinn is a mall manager|

"Welcome back, honey! How was school?" Quinn asked, his husband.

"Sighs, well today I stopped a fight between two girl's fighting over a boy for crying out loud."

"Geeze, they don't give you a break do they?" Quinn asked.

"Nope, but there's rarely any problems at school so."

"Ah, I see. Well, honey Mr. Roman just dropped by to say hello and I invited him to eat with us, if that was alright?"

"That's fine with me, more people to talk to right, Asher"

"Mhn, indeeed."

"Yayyy!!! This is gonna be fun." Quinn says, jumping up and down while clapping his hands.


The dinner was ao good! I even had seconds, which Uncle Quinn was okay about. Surprisingly, during dinner we had an actual good conversation including with Mr. Roman.

We laughed, played truth or dare, and afterwards just talked some more. At the moment, Uncle Trevor and Quinn are laughing at the t.v.

Quinn is between, Uncle Trevor legs while cutely sitting on his floor pillow. While I'm in the kitchen cleaning up.

"You want some help with that?" I heard a voice asked behind me.

I turned around to see Mr. Roman leaning on the island that's in the middle of the kitchen.

"U-uh. . .sure I guess?" I said, nervously.

At this very moment I did not want to be here, more or less be in the same room as he is why? Well because the man's too sexy! He could just give me a smile, and I would faint.

Not trying to be dramatic while doing it. Of course I would never do that in public, although I do it in my head if that makes any since?

He suddenly came behind me putting his hands on my waist. I was shocked and overly surprised that he would do something like this!

"M-Mr. Roman... what are you d-doing?" I asked him.

"Oh, don't mind me I'm just simply helping you're apron since it's about to come off."

"...right? But thank you, anyways."

"There see all good as new, well technically not but you get the point. And you're welcome." Mr. Roman says, showing me that cute of a smile that makes me heat up inside.

Trying to keep my cool as I possibly could manage at this moment, I moved to the side and continue to clean the kitchen.

Washing the dishes, I could see Mr. Roman looking at me in the corner of my eye. Yet again, he was doing that same smile that would always make me blush from the inside.

Finishing up the dishes, I made sure to clean up the mess I mad which I always do. Taking off the apron, I neatly folded it back and put it on the chair next to me. Surprisingly, Mr. Roman was finishing up his part in cleaning the kitchen.

"Okay, Uncle's we are done in the kichen."

"Thank you so much, sweetie. Are you gonna go up to you're room, or something else?" Quinn asked.

"No problem. And I don't know really."

"What if I take him to the park or something? Of course, if that's okay with y'all?" Mr. Roman asked, Quinn and Trevor.

"That's not a bad idea actually. He needs to get out the house after being in here for so long." Uncle Trevor says.

"But what if I don't want to go out there? What if that mon- person is still out there!?"

"Honey are you okay? Yes, I know seeing you're boss being killed is harsh on you, but you need to be let free and spread you're wings." Quinn said.

"Ummm, what? You kinda lost me when you said; 'and spread you're wings'.."

"Haha, sorry. But honey, if you're too scared Mr. Roman is gonna protect you I promise." Quinn says, nodding his head at the end.

I looked at all of them in the face and for sure they didn't surprised me. But deep down I was terrified to go out there because I do not what happened to my boss to happen to me.

'Ugh, why does being a sixteen teenager has to be so hard. Why couldn't my life just be normal like any other kid?'

"Hello, earth to Asher?" Quinn says, shaking his hand in my face.

"Y-yes! Sorry I was thinking about something."

"Are you ready to go? Where coming with You because you seem out of it."

"Really that's great."

"Awesome! Now, hopefully you got everything because we decided to go-- shopping!!!"

'Shopping? This couldn't get any worse can it?' I asked myself.

I looked up and saw Mr. Roman staring at me again. I don't know what it is with that man, but I feel drawn to him in a weird way.

He held out his hand to mine and my body just simply took it. Helping me up, he still held his hand on mine and I was enjoying each and every second.

I could feel my cheeks start to sting from me blushing. Mr. Roman just had that affect on me, and I couldn't do anything.

"Ne vous inquiétez pas mon amour, je vais vous protéger." He said, winking his eye at me cutely.

I didn't think it was possible, but I'm pretty sure whatever he said made me even redder.

'Is it getting hot in here or just me?'

Without any discussion, he walked me to the front door and began to slowly open it.

'Well there's no turning back now-- I just pray that nothing happens.'


And that's a wrap! Hey guys, I'm back and again sorry for the wait I had I get some ideas on what to write for my next chapter and this is what came to mind.

So plz tell me if you guys enjoyed it in the comment section below that will make me happy. 😊😊😊

And as always, i will see you guys next time byeeeeee 🤗

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