[Chapt. 11] I"ll Be Seeing You Soon

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~~~ POV:

After, leaving my family once again... it started to dawn on me that, I might not see them for a very long time. Even though, I really want to... is it worth getting killed for? Sacrifice the love for your family, and doing whatever you can just to see them. I think that's pretty understandable, and reasonable if I do say so myself. 

"Can you hurry up, we're burning fay light." Robert said.

"Yeah, give me a minute would ya! I'm coming as fast as I can... I'm not like you remember? I can't jus-"


"Don't you ever raise your voice at me again, unless you know what's good for you!" Robert says, raising his voice at  ~~~. "Now, are we gonna have any more problems ~~~? No, we aren't are we?" He says, to me mockiling.

Quickly he grabbed my hand, and roughly pushed me in front of him. Again with that same disgusting face I hate so much.

"Just in case you try anything sweetheart." Robert pulled out a knife with his name on it. "This will be your punishment get it?" I quickly nodded my head yes.

Robert was always loving the fact he  tortures me. Ever since, I tried to runaway from him so many years ago, he's always been forceful with me. He sometimes pulles my hair when I don't behave like he wants me to. But that's not the worst part, the fact that he let's his "buddies" do whatever they want with me, just makes me sick to my stomach.

Sometimes, I do think about ending it all, but I know that I have to stay strong for my baby. I promised myself that one day I will find a way to leave this man for good.

What I would do just to see, Asher again. Even though, I somewhat saw him- from afar though, I feel like I was looking at him right in front of me. I'm very grateful that I took the chance to send him away to my brother, because I know that they would raise him to become a well respected man.

Who knows... Maybe fate has something else for me? But for now, at least I can bare the pain a little longer until I see him again.


This whole thing was still weird to me. I'm still trying to process the fact that, well I'm a freaking werewolf. Sometimes, I would hear a voice talking to me... It's soooo weird, but somewhat cool I guess.

At the moment me, Mr. Roman, and my Uncle's are in the kitchen getting something to eat. Mr. Roman told the chiefs to take an early leave because he wanted to cook us his "special" dish whatever that is.

"So..." Uncle Quinn, begins to say. "Do you feel any different, Ashy?" He asked me.

I decided to think about this answer because it's sorta important.. since technically I am a werewolf, or has been one since I was born apparently. After some time thinking about this, I finally told them my answer.

"I feel... Strange, but not in a bad way, rather in a good way. If that makes any since." I told them.

They all nodded their heads yes, letting Asher know they understood. Suddenly, Mr. Roman holds up his hand seeing as though he had something to say.

"I just thought of a good idea! Why don't you come and meet some of my close friends, Asher? I'm pretty sure, they'll love to meet their Lu- I mean... New pack member."  Mr. Roman says with excitement, although putting his hand behind his neck from his slip up.

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