[Chapt. 10] Learning The Truth

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*NOTE* There will be surprises, along with truth in this chapter. Also you will meet a VERY important person in this chapter that goes deep into detail about how our lovely Asher came to be. Lately, you might fell uncomfortable towards the end and I'm very sorry~ I tried making it... somewhat okay to the point y'all wouldn't hate the book, but there's a reason for everything remember that...

Now onto the story~

~Mr. Roman's POV~

Getting, Asher out the mall bathroom wasn't a big probable for me actually. We simply went through the front double doors, and if someone looked at us weirdly Trevor just tapped their foreheads and they go back to what they was doing. It's a werewolf trick which comes in handy like situations like this.

Throughout the whole time, I was carrying Asher, I had to keep my wolf down since he really wanted to come out and well~ go after the vampire and basically tare his head off his body.

As much I want to, my priorities right now are my mate and getting his medical attention. You're probably wondering why I just take him to a regular hospital right? Well one; I really don't want them to question why he has bite marks on his neck... well what's left of it. And two; it's time that he finally meets the pack and tell him our secret. Hopefully afterwards, Asher will understand and won't basically blow up in my face on why we lied to him since he was born.

"Let's just pray that it all goes well."

~At Pack House~

"How bad is he doc?" I asked the pack doctor, Ryan. He's been in the family since his parents passed away so many years ago, but that's another story to tell.

"Well he has lost a lot of blood for starters. His head is bruised, but that'll heal quickly in no time which is good. And he does have some broken ribs. Other than that, Asher we'll be fine~ I'm just glad that you came in time before he lost more blood Alpha." He told me.

Just hearing that my mate was gonna be okay was enough for me to finally take a breather. I looked at his Uncles, and they too had satisfied facial expressions. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine how this made them feel, since Asher is basically their baby boy who they raised since childhood.

"Alright Ryan, how long do you think its gonna take for him to completely be healed?"

"Hmmm~ from all his wounds and bruising I'd say about two weeks since he is human it will take him some time." He told us.

I nodded my head understanding what he's told us. My wolf was still hurting  from seeing our mate in this state. Asher was all covered in bandages from head to toe, and it only pained me to death.

"We should leave and let him rest. As much as we really want to stay and wait until he wakes up, it would be best if we patiently wait."  I said to Trevor and Quinn.

"Y-you're right. C'mon sweetie, let us go and get some rest until the morning." Trevor says, to his husband who didn't want to leave, but he knew he had to.

"C-can't I just sit next to him please? I can't l-leave our precious baby." Quinn begged.

Trevor couldn't handle his husband being like this, it really pained him to say no to him because he hated the idea of making Quinn more upset. Times likes this, Trevor has to make a difficult decision- which he did.

While Quinn, was distracted by holding Asher's hand, he didn't notice until it was too late that he was being lifted up and put on Trevor's shoulder.

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