I'm Super Depressing

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So the following text was originally going to be a silly and random joke before I got way too emotional and blabbed my true feelings, so here you go!

"I want to play the piano because it's beautiful...and because it makes me cry... If I play the piano....everyone will see that....they'll truly feel what I feel as I play....I wouldn't have to hide anymore...I could die happily knowing that my heart has been freed from its cage...that I can finally fly with no burdens....that I lived a life I enjoyed as the final ring of the piano is played....and my final tear falls before I sleep for eternity.....If I could for fill my dreams.... that's how I'd want to go....Hear my plead and help me reach that final ring with my wings wide open...."

Yeah... I'm glad I got that out of my system, other wise it would be a disaster later (It's 12 something am) With the psychological abuse and my cheery mood recently, being depressed and anti-social tomorrow would equal tears and yelling and....eeehhh..... 

Anyways! Thanks and....

Ciao and Annyeong~

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