Cringe Attack/Coincidental Moment

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Entry No. 8

February 12, 2014

Dear 30 Day Diary,

            If you know danisnotonfire and you’ve watched all his videos {not saying that that’s not creepy at all…}, then you should know about Cringe Attacks. So, yesterday as I was happily walking along the hallway of my school, a horrible memory came and BAM! I slapped myself soo hard and every single head turned on me and like… Is she possessed?’ thoughts scattered around me.

I mean, who in the right mind would slap themselves right? Seriously, who?


I remember playing with the kids/our neighbors and I tripped and had this really big, deep, and bloody wound. My father’s uncle heard me cry so he came out and got alcohol and cotton. You know what he did? You know what he did? YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID?! He put a LOT of alcohol on the cotton LITTERALY WIPED AWAY THE BLOOD WITH IT.

He was like…

“Be a man! It’s not even that painful”


Then his wife came out since she heard me and hit him and she was like

“Can’t you see she’s hurt? Stop that!”

The cute thing about them is that they argue everyday but are still married to each other and their like… what… 69? 70?


My playmates were staring at me like

‘Does she never feel pain?’

And I just kept crying and crying and yeah….

I don’t know… I just felt embarrassed so I went like…

-Slap- IDIOT!



Okay... okay... so you guys know that I always update late. So now, it's Feb. 14. We went outside earlier today and well… since I wrote about this Embarrassing Moment story today... I think that it's just perfect that an embarrassing moment will happen to me.

I was walking on this erm… sidewalk and beside it was a huge window to a restaurant. Since it was Valentine’s Day, a lot of people were in that restaurant. Suddenly I tripped and every head in the restaurant turned to the window to face me. I NEARLY hit my head and knee on the sidewalk! When I stood up to look, it was a PERFECTLY smooth road.

Yup, you could always count on me to embarrass myself and trip on a flat sidewalk.

Sincerely Yours,

Ezelle Lucienne

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