Late Entry: Flying

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Feb. 26, 2014

Entry 22

Dear 30 Day Diary,

            Honestly, I have NO idea how to begin my entry for this part of the challenge. I’m supposed to describe a character’s feeling when flying. WELP… gotta try right?

            Is this what a bird feels like when they fly? If this is what they feel, then I understand why they’re the symbol of freedom. As I soar through the baby blue sky, a huge grin plastered on my face, and salty tears of happiness fall… I began to feel free… for once in my life I feel happy and limitless. It’s as if all of my problems have been erased so I no longer have to escape them… because they’re completely gone now. I continue flying and touching soft, wet clouds... until I was woken up from my past state of euphoria.

            HAHA! I warned you that I was never good at making happy scenes. {Unless I’m happy.

Sincerely Yours,

Ezelle Lucienne

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