Chapter 8

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It was Chysolite who stormed into the castle without hesitation. The others trying to keep up as she dragged the woman's body behind her, a look of pure rage on her face.

"Peredite!" She yelled as she pushed the large double doors of the throne room opened.

Sure enough, Aviri and Peredite were standing beside Rose, speaking to her.

"High Zealot Chysolite?" Peredite questioned. "What is..."

"Is everything alright?" Rose questioned. "You look quite distressed."

"Forgive me Lady Rose, but I have reason to believe we are all being led astray. Peredite, I need to talk to you about the situation." Chysolite explained.

"Of course." Peredite made her way over. "I assume it has something to do with this woman?"

"Indeed. Forgive me for being so abrupt my friends. I just... Something is wrong." Chysolite motioned back towards the door before the two Zealots disappeared.

"What has happened?" Rose asked. "Is everyone well?"

"Chysolite fears that we are being manipulated by Ragnarok." Kai explained. "That Mars is trying to remove him from power so that Ragnarok can't enforce change."

"We all want change." Aviri noted.

"Do we?" Nyx asked. "Or is that what Ragnarok wants us to think?"

"If there was not change you would not be with Devin now!" Aviri snapped.

"Aviri." Blair called, as Nyx took Devin by the hand protectively. "Not the slight change of acceptance. But the great change of a united front. We are all tilting to one side, and this upsets balance. Mars is trying to create conflict, and rebalance the Spectrum. Because of this Ragnarok is pushing Mikky even harder to find him. What if Ragnarok isn't all he seems."

"Ragnarok can only influence Mikky. He has no connection to the rest of the world." Rose added.

"But what if he does?" Hadvar asked.

"Every time Mikky pulls those chains, the Veil weakens. I can feel it. Maybe he's exploiting her. We think she's in control, but what if she's not?" Nyx offered.

"How do you know when you're being controlled by someone who can bend your thoughts to think otherwise?" Devin asked.

"The fact that you're suggesting it show's it's not." Rose admitted. "He would have forced you to stop doing so."

"He wouldn't be able to influence all of us yet because of the veil." Kai explained. "He can only influence Zealots and Mikky, and because Chysolite thinks he might be then so do I."

"What do you propose we do about it?" Rose questioned, looking like she was starting to believe them.

"There isn't much we can do, unless we strengthen the veil somehow." Nyx shrugged. "After all, we can't exactly defeat someone who has complete control over the reality we live in."

"There also isn't proof that he's the bad guy. Mars is still our priority." Devin added. "At least until we can prove otherwise."

Rose sat on her throne, looking down at them with a worried expression. Nebit seemed to notice this and hid behind her sister, like she was afraid perhaps Rose might start freaking out.

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