Chapter 5

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Aviri leaned over her desk and sighed deeply. She must have gone through the book on pocket dimensions hundreds of times, but she was still no closer to finding an answer.

She pressed her fingers to her temples to try and ease the headache.

Peredite came over and touched her shoulder softly. "You should rest love."

"They're not resting." Aviri answered, her voice filled with pain and exhaustion.

"But we need you at your best. Please come rest with me." Peredite's voice was soft, like she was trying to hide her own worry.

"I can't Peredite, I have to..." She groaned, as the Zealot grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. She then lead Aviri over to the bed, pushing her into it. "Peredite stop. I need to-"

"You need to rest." Peredite told her as she pushed the vampire's head down onto the pillow. "I won't let you get up until you've fallen asleep."


The zealot cut her off a final time by using her magic to put the vampire to sleep. Peredite gently ran her thumb across Aviri's forehead with a gentle smile. "You work too hard."

Sarah leaned in the doorway with her arms crossed. There were a few bandages on her face and arms, but otherwise she looked fine.

"She usually has more energy." Sarah noted. "Is she alright?"

"She hasn't stopped going through her books since Mars escaped Mikky." Peredite explained. "I can't remember the last time she slept."

"Aren't you bound to her soul?"

"Indeed. Needless to say I've been feeling rather unpleasant as well with her being so exhausted." Peredite admitted.

"Why does she push herself?" Sarah questioned.

"Aviri has a photographic memory so no one is better to go over a plan or study a subject than she is. Because of which he thinks she needs to do it all the time." Peredite explained. "But she does need her rest."

"Everyone needs a break." Sarah agreed.

"Speaking of which, how are you and Shana doing?" Peredite questioned.

"I'm fine, but Shana's really hurting. Luckily she'll live... But..."

"I'll do what I can." The Zealot told her. "Everything will turn out okay."

"What if Ragnarok turns against us?" Sarah asked.

Peredite shook her head. "Then we've already lost."

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Sarah frowned.

"Ragnarok's power is absolute, and the control he has over the Zealots is even more so. Our very existence is bound to his will, so the moment he decides justice isn't amusing then he'll have it destroyed."

"What if we hide you in a pocket dimension?"

"If Ragnarok chooses to go against us, the Zealots will retreat to a pocket dimension of Aviri's making. We will flee this realm and prevent ourselves from being manipulated by his selfish desires."

"Won't he just bring in new Zealots?"

"Most likely."

"Then we're doomed either way?"

"It really does seem that way doesn't it?" Peredite sighed deeply. "At this point we can only pray that it doesn't come to that."

"I don't know what Aviri would do without you."

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