The Girl in The Red Hat

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I walked into homeroom. The teacher, Ms. Sawdurst, was a perky older woman, about fifty. She walked over to me and said something in English I couldn't understand.

"Class, we have a new student, this is Regen Kommen. He is from Germany." I heard my name. I thought she may have been introducing me to them or something. She looked at a book and said,

"Hallo sagen, Regen." She could speak German pretty well.

"H...Hello" I said discreetly. I heard giggles. Probably because of my accent.

"Dort sitzen." She looked at the book again, smiled, and pointed at a seat. I slowly walked over to the spot where I would sit for 1 hour each day. I noticed a girl with a red hat looking at me. Well, a lot of people were looking at me, but she was looking at me differently. What do I know?

After walking around the school to about 3 other lessons, including Mathematics (which I love), History, and Art (2nd favorite); I went to lunch. Mama packed me Baked Potato Soup and a pretzel. I ate alone. I was trying to stay away from people so that when we move again (which should be soon), I have nothing to lose. I've been doing this for awhile.

I noticed that girl still staring at me. She was with a giant group of other girls talking about a mall trip or something. She got up and began walking toward me.

"Where are you going?", one of the girls asked her.

"I'll catch up with you later." She said back.

"Also, bist du aus Deutschland, nicht wahr?" She asked me while she was sitting down. So, you're from Germany, huh? She spoke German!

"Ja" I replied, but then I continued with my lunch. I got up and started walking away

"Bis bald." See you soon.


After lunch, I had Phys Ed, German (I didn't need this class, but I was stuck with it), and Grammar (the worst). The bell rang and I walked to the school bus stop. Mostly, everyone else either knew how to drive and had their own car. I didn't and apparently, nor did the other people at the bus stop. Most of them were losers like me. I saw the girl in that line. The bus pulled up. I was staring at her and she was looking at the sky. It began to rain. Suddenly, a smile lit up her face. She danced in the rain. She screamed. But mostly, she smiled. I just watched her. Everyone else got on the bus and it drove away. I missed the bus because I was too wrapped up in this girl. She ran to me and shouted,

"I missed the bus!" and laughed. I couldn't understand her, but I knew she said something funny.

"Oh right, um, Ich habe denBusverpasst!" she remembered I spoke German. She ran out into the rain again.

"Regnetesnichtvielhieres?" It doesn't rain here much, does it? I asked her. She shook her head and smiled. She was all wet by the time the next bus came.

I took off my jacket and said, "Komm her." and put it on over her shoulders.

"Thank you." I understood. We sat next to each other on the way home and it still raining.

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