4/10: sparks

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you and tendou walk on the sidewalk until you both reach your apartment.

"i know it's not much, but do you want to come in for tea?" you ask.

"i can't i have to catch my folks back home." he smirks and points in the direction of his house.

"oh." you say softly, a cool breeze picking up causing your hair to get caught in the wind.

tendou pats your shoulder, sending sparks through your body as a blush creeps unto your cheeks.

"i'll stay over some other time." he smiles at you, his large hand leaving your shoulder.

you wrap your arms around tendou's neck and you pull him close.

"i'll see you tomorrow tendou, get some rest theres early morning practice." you say, smiling.

tendou pauses before hugging you back. you pull away first and tendou reluctantly lets go.

"goodnight satori." you say, walking into the apartment building, giving one last look at tendou, whose hands were shoved in his pockets and a deep red blush was displayed on his cheeks.

[swan groupchat]

monster guesser: hey (name) says to get rest because theres morning practice tomorrow


farmer boi: go ahead and good luck goshiki.

mother swam: pffftt

bad hair cut: dont laugh eita

yamagattalottacash: first name basis huuuuuuuuuhh???

bad hair cut: oh god.

ohira is here: tendou how are you and (name)

monster guesser: what? i just walked her home

oikawa is #1: really? no goodbye kiss? how lame.

monster guesser: shut up oikawa

oikawa is #1: how mean😭

kawaiinishi: oikawa is right tho.

monster guesser: im giving it time. im giving her time.


that night you went to sleep craving tendou's touch.

you had no idea why but when tendou touched your shoulder you erupted into sudden feelings of electricity, and you wondered if he felt the same thing.

you arrive to school early that morning, still tired since you barely got any sleep last night, and being the manager it was now your job to arrive before the boys and the coach and to prepare everything for them.

you unlock the gym and sigh, turning on all the lights and walking inside and shutting the door behind you. you unlock the closet doors and you pull out the cart containing all the volleyballs.

your eyes were getting heavy and you sit down.

"i'll just rest my eyes." you say to yourself and lay down on the bench.

you close your eyes and feel yourself slip into bliss.


i turn my alarm off and pull on my practice volleyball uniform and i put my spare uniform in my bag for afternoon practice. i place my school uniform carefully in a bag as i do every morning and i quickly grab a granola bar and i head out to school.

i get to the gym just as the suns rays peek over the horizon.

the boys were standing nearby as we all like to watch the sun rise in the morning before practice.

it was like coffee for us, but less addicting and healthier. it got us ready for the day to come.

after the sun has well passed the trees, and our alarms all rang simultaneously at 6:57am, we all walked inside to see our equipment all prepared but our manager sleeping on the job.

"what should we do?" goshiki asks, "i dont know how to wake up a girl."

ushijima grunts, probably not happy that (name) is sleeping but cutting her some slack since it probably her first time waking up so early.

"i'll wake her." semi says, and i snort.

"semi semi semi." i sang, just like yesterday, "i believe thats my job."

without giving eita a chance to protest i skip over to (name) and nudge her side.

a corner of her mouth slips upwards, and i smile.

***third person pov***

"so whipped." kawanishi groans, everyone else nodding in agreement.

"wrapped around her finger." yamagatta says.

"shes never gonna wake up that way." shirabu mumbles.

"(name)!!! what are you doing sleeping on the job!!!" coach washijo yells just as he opens the gym doors.

"well that definitely a wake up call." reon says, sweat dropping.

(name) shoots up and knocks heads with tendou.

"ow! satori you hardhead!" she exclaims, rubbing her head, slowly breaking into a smile.

"me the hardhead? then what does that make you?" he laughs, rubbing his head.

"enough!!! stop your flirting and get to practice satori!!! 100 laps around the court! go!!"


hey okay so i really did die this time but here you go! the fifth update will come around this week because im going to orlando fl and i really want to enter this into the watty awards :)!!!

anyways i love you alllll

dont forget to vote and comment!!!


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