9/10: chasing love

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*** tendou ***
tears fall freely down my face. she actually left.

she left me again.

she didn't even say goodbye this time.

suddenly, i think back to all the times i made her feel lonely. how much i pushed her away. how i ignored her for two weeks, and couldn't even be the one to make the first move.

y/n was the one always trying to salvage the friendship that i ruined. she felt used and betrayed, because i did use her and betray her. i let my pride get in the way of what could've been my future.

of course she didn't say goodbye. i don't deserve a goodbye. she's leaving because of me and i thought that she'd wait for me to come around.

i've been selfish and arrogant, with someone i shouldn't have. i know not to mess with y/n, but yet i still did. i messed up big time.


my ears perk up at the sound of my phone pinging with a new message. i unlock it with the hopes that it's y/n.

it isn't.

from: mother swan
i just did a quick search and found a train leaving at 10:00. it's appropriate to think that she'll be there. go get her tendou. goodluck.

i scan over the message and my heart skips a beat.

i won't get anymore chances. this is it. i'll finally tell y/n how i feel.

my eyes dart towards the clock.

9:53 a.m.

my heart sinks. the train station is around a ten minute walk. even if i ran, i probably would not make it in time.

except nows not the time to think like that.

i'll run where ever y/n is. i'll hike across every mountain. swim through entire oceans. encounter different countries, just to be with her.

no matter where y/n goes, i will always chase after her.

i won't be foolish anymore. it's time i become serious and win back the love of my life.

before i do that, i must catch her train.

wrapping up my internal monologue, i grab my note and y/n's uniform out of the trash. after all, she'll be needing it back.

i rush out of y/n's apartment and almost crash into her elderly neighbor.

"i am so sorry! i have to find y/n!" i say as i start to run towards the exit. she smiles proudly.

"i think i have something that'll make your trek faster." she states, putting a halt to my steps. she disappears into her apartment.

after a few moments, she reappears with a bright red bike.

"it's my grandson's birthday present. i'm sure he won't mind you breaking it in." she says with a wink.

i cant even begin to form words.

"t-thank you!" i stutter with disbelief, and she chuckles.

"i was young once too." she laughs befor disappearing into her apartment once again. "goodluck!"

i grab the bike and sprint towards the exit. my face is met with the humid morning air. i immediately hop on the bike and peddle as if my life depends on it.

i check my phone with horror.

9:58 a.m.

there's almost no way i'll get there.

however, this fact only motivates me further. i weave in and out of pedestrians while repeating apologies. nothing will stop me from seeing y/n, not even time itself.

my eyes squint and i can vaguely see the train station in the distance. i curse at the fog for making it harder to see.

i pedal the bike even harder and grip the handles with determination.

as i get closer to the train station, i start being able to make out the train stopped in the tracks.

i can still make it!

i pedal harder as the chains on the bike work to keep up with my pace.

i finally am close enough to the train station, and i lay the bike down on the grass.

i squint my eyes through the fog and i see a figure standing on the platform. i break into a sprint and i cup my hands around my mouth, letting my voice belt out.

"wait! y/n!"

the fog swallows up my cries and i watch in horror as the figure steps on the train. however, i don't stop running closer. i try again, cringing at the desperation in my voice.

"y/n please! don't get on the train!"

my heart sinks as i hear the train whistle, and the doors shut. the trains wheels screech to life, and the train drags itself out of the station.

i cant believe it. i didn't make it.

tears brim my eyes and i sniffle, not trying to conceal my angus from passerbys.

suddenly i hear a voice that makes my heart skip a beat.

"tendou you came?"

my head slowly turns around. i catch the eyes of the girl i love more than life itself.

"y/n?" i gasp. she snorts.

"in the flesh." she says, sarcastically. she crosses her arms, not even trying to conceal her anger.

"what are you doing here?" i ask, my eyes turning back to the train. "you're suppose to be on the train."

she rolls her eyes.

"yeah, i thought so too, but turns out that train isn't going to tokyo." she states. i sigh, sad that she wouldn't stay because of me.

"and..." she breaks the silence, and sends me a sad smile.

"i couldn't leave you without saying goodbye."

omgg!!!! i'm so excited teehee. y'all are gonna get what you're waiting for!!!!

don't forget to vote and comment!!

and pleasee remember how much i love you guys. please stay safe out there.

until next time!

word count: 964
date: september 7 2020


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