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Ever since I brought my sons home I have been a little stressed I mean I'm caring for two 4 month old babies and my little Maddie is five almost six year old. I haven't heard from Mason in who knows how long. I did not care though. If he doesn't want to be in his kids lives that's up to him. He's the one who messed it up. I wouldn't trade my sons and daughter for the world.
My dads have started watching the kids a little more while I work. I have been working at a bar/restaurant.
"Mommy! Can I please! Can I please have it!" Maddie begged.
We were at the store and she was currently begging for a new toy.
"Sweetie." I sighed as she pointed out a new doll she wanted.
I looked at the price. If she got it we would have to cut back on some groceries this week. I barely make enough as it is. I know my dads are helping me out but I'm trying to prove I can be a good mom to Maddie, Skyler and Kayden without having to rely on my parents.
"Okay but we have to put a few snacks back if you get it." I said hoping she understood.
Maddie thought about it for a few minutes with a look on her face as if she was thinking and nodded.
"Okay mommy! We put some snacks back!" Maddie said and told me which snacks to put back which were some chips, cookies and some candy.
I then headed to check out and paid. We then headed home and I swore I saw Mason as we're leaving the store but I just focused on getting Maddie, Skyler and Kayden home. Once there Maddie ran off to play while I was putting groceries away.
"Princess do you need help?" I heard.
I turned to see my dad Harry.
"That would be great papa. Thanks." I said putting some cereal away.
Just then I heard Kayden cry. I could tell it was him because he had curls like my papa Harry.
I went to go check on him but my papa stopped me.
"You finish this. I've got him and Skyler" my papa said and I kissed his cheek.
"Thanks Papa" I said with a smile and continued to put groceries away.
Once I was done I headed into the living room to see Kayden giggling and smiling as his grandpa Harry played with him. I looked over and saw that Skyler had a little pout on his face. I guess that he didn't like his brother getting all the attention. I laughed and went over and picked him up.
"Hey buddy. Is your younger brother hogging the attention?" I ask with a laugh and held Skyler as I sat down next to my papa.
"You're a great mom Courtney. Skyler, Kayden and Maddie are lucky to have you." My papa Harry said
"I just wish I could do better though. I mean I'm a single parent who works at a restaurant/bar. I mean it's not the best job in the world papa." I said sadly as I held Skyler.
"I know dear which is why your father and I were talking. We both believe that you should go back to school. Your father and I discussed it and we believe it's best. And before you say something like I can't afford it, your father and I will be helping with the payments. After all we just want what is best for you, your siblings, and our grandkids." My daddy Harry said.
I put Skyler down for a second and hugged my papa.
"You're the best papa. Thank you!" I said as I cried in his arms.
"Hey no more tears. Now why don't we get these two something to eat and then we take Maddie and the boys to the park." My papa Harry said
I nodded and then picked up Skyler again and headed to the kitchen with my dad who had Kayden. After dinner we headed to the park. Things were finally taking a turn for the better. I couldn't be happier.

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