Chapter 23

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Madelynne's Pov

( Mia on the side)

Mommy told me to go upstairs and up to my room but instead I decided to stay by the railing. I wish I didn't. Mommy and daddy are yelling. Me no like it. I start crying when I see them. Why they fight? Don't they love each other. Why daddy grabbing mommy like that?

I remember the first time i saw daddy hurt mommy. I was playing with my toys and i heard something break. I peaked around the corner and saw mommy on the floor and daddy standing up with blood dripping from his face. They talk about me when they fight and it makes me sad and i start to think that they don't want me anymore. I run in the corner of my room when i hear them yell and cover my ears but i can still hear them. I love mommy and daddy but i don't like it when they hurt each other. I wish mommy and daddy didn't fight. But what can I do I only five. Oh no mommy's coming. I thought and ran into my room and got under the covers and pretended to be asleep

Courtney's POV

I was at the spa today with my friend Alice. We are having a spa day like my dad Louis suggested.

"So how are you and Mason doing?" Alice asked as we got a massage.

"Not so good" I said

"Why? You two are perfect for each other" Alice said

"I know. I love him and everything but ever since we had Madelynne things have been tough. I've been working two jobs for 24 hours ever since he lost his job. He hasn't really done anything except see our daughter at night. I just wish I didn't have to feel like I was raising her alone" I said with a sigh

"I'm sure everything will work out. If you and Mason really love each other you can get through it" Alice said with a smile.

"How are you always so positive?" I asked Alice

"It's just the way I am. I prefer to see the good in people" Alice said with a smile. Mason is a good guy except for the fact that he can sometimes lose his temper. What am I going to do? I thought. I want what's best for my daughter. I don't want her to grow up without a father. What should I do? I need to see Mason so we can talk.

"Im sorry Alice but i need to go. I have to talk to Mason, can we do this again next weekend". I asked her

"Sure, just text or call me and let me know if everything is alright". Alice said and we packed up our thing and left the spa. I need to see Mason that way i know if he's trying to look for a job or if he's sitting around on his ass

Mason's POV

"Yeah just come to my place nobody's there. Ok yeah ill see you in a few". I said into the phone

I sat at my kitchen table looking all the money and marijuana. I cant believe how much I've earned over the past few days. $40,000 added to the $80,000 I made this past month. I will finally be able to support my family, we can buy a new house, my angel can get all the toys and clothes she needs. I can finally afford to take Courtney out and buy her things. My thoughts were interrupted bye the knock on the door. I figured it was jay but instead it was Courtney.

"Hey". She said

"Um hi, what are you doing here". I asked her

"I think i still live here Mason. We need to talk, I'm coming in. How have you been"She said pushing past me

"Im doing ok, i would be better if my two girls came back home". I said

"Did you find a job yet".

"Yes and I've made some money. You don't have to work anymore Courtney. We can move and do things we've always wanted to do". I told her

"Whats that smell. Is that coming from the kitchen". Courtney said

"Court wait, i can explain". I said but its to late. She slapped me

"Mason you cant be serious. Are you selling drugs now. Mase no, this is dangerous you can get hurt. Haven't you seen movies or the news! You could get killed!"Courtney yelled with tears pouring down her face.

I then grabbed Courtney by her arms not knowing I was holding her tightly

"I'm doing this for us! I'm making a good amount of money!" I yelled raising my voice

"I-I can't do this" Courtney said and tried to pull away but my grip only tightened.

"Don't leave please! Courtney you can't leave I need you and Madelynne!" I yelled

"Y-you're hurting me!" Courtney yelled with tears in her eyes and I released my grip on her.

"Don't leave!" I yelled and Courtney just flinched

I kissed Courtney and then she stopped fighting me and just relaxed.

Hopefully I won her back I thought as she released. Courtney then ran out the door before I could stop her.

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