Courtney tells Mason about the baby

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Courtney decided to have Mason play a guessing game to figure out what her news was

"Hey daddy can you take Maddy for me for a little bit cause I want everything to be perfect for when Mason comes home from work?" Courtney asks Louis

"Yeah sure i don't mind" Louis says to Courtney

"Thanks dad i don't want her here just in case Mason is mad that we are having another baby" Courtney says to him

"That is understandable and I can take Maddy to the park or somewhere to go play for a bit or we can go shopping for a toy" Louis says to her cause Courtney decided to ask Louis if he could take Maddy and if Louis said no Courtney was going to ask her brother to take Maddy while she told Mason about the new baby

"Thanks dad I will see you in a few" she says as she hangs up the phone

Courtney goes over and calls Maddy down

"Maddy can you come down here please?" she asks her daughter

"Yes mommy?" Courtney asks her

"Pappy is going to be coming to take you to the park or get something for your new brother or sister. While I tell daddy about the new baby that is coming" Courtney says to Maddy as she gets Maddy's shoes on for her, so she could go out with pappy for the day while mommy tells daddy about the new baby

Maddy was excited to see pappy Louis again

"You and him can do anything that you want with pappy" Courtney tells her

Soon the doorbell rings

"That must be pappy" Courtney says as she gets up to get the door

Maddy gets her coat cause it was a little chilly outside

"Hi daddy" Courtney says as she hugs Louis

"Hi Courtney" he says as he hugs her

"Maddy is all ready to go with you" Courtney says to him

"We are going to have so much fun together" Louis says as he gets down to Maddy's level and hugs her tight

"Come on pappy" Maddy says as she leaves the house to go to Louis car that was park in the driveway

"Okay I'm coming peaches" he says as he follows Maddy out of the house and to his car

Courtney waves to them as they leave before going back into the house to get everything ready for when Mason comes home from work that day and she tells him the news that they are going to have another baby

"I hope he is okay with me bring pregnant again" Courtney says as she gets the cake out and starts decorating the house to tell Mason the news that they are going to be parents again


"It looks like Mason is pulling in the driveway" Courtney says as she gets the meal out of the oven and serving it to Mason

Courtney has the candles lit as soon as he walks in the door

"Hey Mason did you find another job  today?" she asks him

"No I didn't" he says as he grabs a cold one from the fridge cause he was hiding the drugs that he was still selling from Courtney cause that was the only source of income that he had coming in besides the job that Harry gave him which was okay but not enough for him

"Sit down I made you dinner" she says to him

"Now that you say it I am kind of hungry" he says as he sits down to dinner that night

Mason was a little confused when he saw baby portions on his plate that night

"Court can you tell me what is going on here?" Mason asks her as he continues to eat his dinner that night

"Try to guess throughout the meal" she says as she continues to eat cause she knew that the baby needed nutrients to grow and develop inside mommy

"I'm on to your little game" he says as he continues to eat as he tried to guess what Courtney had up her sleeve that night

They got through dinner and Mason didn't guess at all

"Ready for dessert now?" Courtney asks him

"Ready" he says as she goes over and gets the cake that she had done at the local bakery to see if he could guess what her news was if he didn't guess already

"Did you see the shoes that was in the shoe bin?" she asks him as she puts the cake in the oven

"Yeah and I saw that you got Maddy's old baby shoes out from storage" he says to her

"Yes i did cause I have an announcement so check out the oven" she tells him

Mason goes over to the oven to see what was in there for him and what Courtney's announcement was

"Courtney are you really pregnant?" he asks her when he saw the cake that said "We're having another baby

"Yes Mason I am pregnant again with our second child and I am really happy that Maddy will have a sibling to play with" Courtney says a little angry that Mason isn't happy about the second baby that is going to be coming into the world

"Courtney we can't afford another baby right now, and we don't have room for another baby at all" he says as he gets angry cause they were having another baby

"I know but we can manage and Maddy is excited for the baby already" Courtney says as she defends herself in the battle that was going on with her and Mason about the new baby

"I want you to get rid of the baby cause we can't afford two kids right now" Mason says to her

"I am not going to get an abortion cause I love this baby and if this one is deaf in it's left ear or both I am going to love it just the way I love Maddy and help him or her learn sign language so they can communicate with us cause it isn't fair to kill a living it cause we don't want it" she says as she continues to fight him

"If your not going to kill it I am going to kill it myself" he says as he goes over to the drawer and gets out a big knife

"No you don't if you ain't going to love our child I am afraid that our marriage or our relationship is over cause I don't even know you anymore Mason so I am going to be moving in with my parents cause they will help me raise the kids the way that I want them to be raised, and help me out with the kids not like you cause I can clearly see that you went back to selling drugs and not finding a better job that you told my father that you were going to get instead of giving people their fix" she says to him cause she saw the drugs that were in car that night when he pulled in

Courtney grabbed her keys and ran out to her car as fast as she could to get away from Mason

"Papa" she says as she calls Harry

"Yes Courtney what is it is everything okay?" he asks her

"Is it okay if i move in with you and daddy cause Mason was going to kill the baby?" she asks in tears

"Of course sweetie and I will tell your dad to bring Maddy straight here" Harry says as he texts Louis and tells him what is going on with Courtney

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