Chapter 24

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Louis POV

When I saw my little girl come running into the house I knew something was wrong. I yelled for her to stop but she didnt, she took off into the bathroom locking the door. My daughter is hurt and its my job to find out what happened.

"Honey, can you tell me whats wrong? Can you at least open the door so i can see you." I asked her. I heard sniffles and then the door opened. Courtney jumped into my arms and i held her tight.

"Its going to be ok, everything is gonna be fine". I promised her

"Daddy what am i suppose to do. He's not the same Mason i fell in love with". Courtney confesses and I'm completely lost right now

"Hun, i don't know what you mean. Tell me whats wrong, what happened with Mason. Before she began talking she pulled her hair into a ponytail, her shirts sleeve rolled up and i saw a dark mark on her wrists. A few tears fell from my face when i mad the conclusion that Mason must have hurt my Courtney and my Madelynne

"How long has this been going on Courtney". I asked her and she told me everything from how Mason hasn't been working. How they were struggling and how she had to work two jobs. I have a feeling that shes not telling me everything, but i wont push her to. Am i that bad of the parent that i couldn't see that my daughter was going through all this pain and misery.

After talking things through Courtney went to bed early and decided i needed to pay mason a visit. Im not one for violence but he has something coming his way

"Mason you open this god damn door right now". I said banging on the front door

"I know your in there you piece of shit. Open up or else". I continued to kick and bang on the door until it opened up revealing Mason. I lost it seeing him standing there with low glossy red eyes. He's high while my daughter is heart broken. I swung and my fist connected to his face. I feel bad as he stayed on the ground crying telling me how i should continue

"Keep going, i have nothing else to live for Louis. What are you waiting for". He asked as i stood there not knowing what to do. Yes I'm angry at him for hurting Courtney. But seeing him like this breaks my heart. Ive known this kid for years, i need to help him

"Yes you do! You have my daughter and granddaughter to think about! Don't make your daughter go through living without a father like Courtney did for a couple of years. Either you get your shit together and stop selling the drugs or you can kiss the family you have goodbye!" I yelled and slammed the door as I left and went home to check on Courtney and saw her crying in her sleep.

What am I going to do? I hate seeing my baby girl in pain. I then went to my room and changed an collapsed on my bed.

"Everything okay love?" Harry asked and laid down next to me

"I'm worried about Courtney. She just found out that Mason lost his job a while ago and is selling drugs to try and support them" I said

"I'll kill him" Harry said in anger

"I already hurt him. I hate seeing my baby girl in pain harry" I cried and harry kissed my forehead and rubbed my back.

"Everything will be fine. I'll see if I can pull some strings and get him somethhing at one of my bakeries."Harry said

"That would be wonderful" I said and fell asleep hoping that things would change for my daughter and granddaughter soon.

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