Getting the nursery ready/Kindergarten

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My dads had gotten everything moved over from the apartment and into the house, and they even started on the nursery for the babies, and Lucas has been a big help watching Maddie for me when i go to work and everything 

"Courtney how old is Maddie?" Louis asks her

"She's five why" she says as she starts to get the old carpet up cause it wasn't going to be safe for the new babies  

"Shouldn't she be in kindergarten by now?" he asks her 

"I know I don't want her to be bullied cause she is different from the other kids is all, and I don't know if she is ready for kindergarten at all" Courtney says as she continues on the carpet

"Courtney we can do that you go relax it isn't good for the babies" Louis says as he has Harry, Luke, and Ethan come to help rip out the old carpet for the nursery for the babies

"Okay" she says as she gets up cause she needed to relax and get her mind off the nursery for a little bit

Courtney decided to look at Maddie's old crib to see if it will work for right now cause she can'afford two cribs right now or two of everything either cause she is barely making it 

"Papa are you okay?" Courtney asks when she sees him come by her 

"Just a little sick is all" he says as he helps her cause she was also looking at the baby clothes too just in case Courtney will need them with the twins to help her out 

"Are you sure I am a big girl?" she asks him

"Yes I'm sure let's go get Maddie registered for kindergarten so she is all ready to go in the fall" he says as he leaves cause he didn't want to bother her with stopping at the drug store to pick up some test just in case he was pregnant himself 

"Okay I am sure she will do okay in school, and she needs to spread her wings and fly a little bit I can't keep her home forever" Courtney says as she gets in the car to head to the school so they could get her registered for kindergarten 

"That's the spirit, and if there is problem you can call to speak to the teacher about it, and make a time where you guys can talk to see what is going on in the classroom" he says as they head for the school to get her ready for kindergarten 

Courtney felt better about Maddie going to school, and being with kids her own age 


"At least she will come and visit the classroom before school starts up in the fall" Courtney says as she comes out of the building with Louis 

"Yeah and you can take her for practice, and tell her that you ain't that far away and you will see her in a little bit" Louis says as they get in the car to head to one of the baby stores in town to shop a little bit for the twins cause Courtney will need some things when the twins get here 

(Baby store)

"Get gender neutral items that you will need" he says as they enter the store 

"Like what?" she asks him 

"Towels, bibs, blankets, dummies and toys" he says cause they were going to give Courtney one of the cribs when her and Luke were babies as well as anything else that was still okay from when Louis had the twins cause Louis saved everything that he could for them, so when they had babies some of it was saved for them so if they needed anything it was their's 

Courtney looked to see what she could get that was affordable for the twins cause she didn't know what she was having yet 

"I like this for the babies" Courtney says as she looks at a glider swing 

"I'll get it for you if you want it" he says as he gets something himself cause he had a feeling that he might be pregnant again and he didn't want anyone to know yet 

"Thanks daddy" she says as she hugs her father right there in the store and she didn't care who saw here 

"Welcome sweetie we will help you out with the babies no matter what" he says as they pay for their purchases before heading home that night 

Courtney got a few more items that she might need for the twins like music for them to listen too and a tub when they were older cause the old tub wasn't safe for them to be in 


"Mommy" Maddie says as she runs to Courtney when she came into the house

"Hi baby did you have fun today?" Courtney asks her daughter

She nods

"She helped us with the nursery for the twins, right now the old carpet is up and taken out and the hardwood is behind the carpet" Harry tells her

"Can it be refinished for the babies and a nice rug put down?" she asks as she plays with Maddie a little bit  

"Sure if that's what you want" Harry says as he goes up to hug Louis since Ethan went home to spend some time with Luke and their little one, but promised to be back in the morning to help with the nursery more 

"When do you find out the genders?" Louis asks Courtney as Harry started supper that night 

"Next week if they cooperate for me" she says a she looks down at her bump that was forming already 

"If so what theme do you want for the nursery?" Harry asks since he was in charge of the nursery for the babies 

"Can i think about it over night?" she asks him 

"Sure sweetie take all the time you need cause it won't take us long to paint the nursery the way you want it to look" he says as he hugs her tight cause he could see that she needed some loving 

V & C 

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