You can now take a moment to judge me

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A/N: Long imagine. Credits to:

I'm not gonna lie, I was shitting myself about going to Summer in the City. Not just because well... it was SUMMER IN THE CITY, but because it was the first year I was going as a YouTuber myself. I'd been making videos for about two years now, under the name MischiefManaged (Yes, I'm a huge Potterhead). I couldn't go to SitC last year because I was away, but this year my subscribers (of which I had 150,000, give or take a few) had begged and begged me... So, here I was. I'd managed to navigate myself from the train and tube stations and was currently standing in front of Alexandra Palace. I took a deep breath and went inside, getting my various passes and such I would need. I wasn't recognized as I walked around, but I wasn't expected to be. I'd only been recognized once in the street before, and, well, that was amazing. "(Y/N)!" I heard, and turned around to see a couple of girls, one of which was wearing an AmazingPhil shirt and the other a Smosh one. I smiled at them.

"Hey! How're you?" I grinned. We exchanged conversation and got pictures for a while, before I was spotted and called over to somebody else. I didn't expect to be this popular, but here I was! Suddenly, a shout came from behind me and I turned to see LukeIsNotSexy and Emma Blackery.

"Hey, you're (Y/N), right?" Emma asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, that's me. Hi, I really like both of your videos." I said to both of them.

"Hey, we like yours too! Jason and Patty are over here somewhere, you wanna meet them?" Luke asked and I frantically nodded, hopefully without seeming too eager. We went over and I spent the majority of the day with them. We all got called over occasionally to speak to fans and sign stuff, but I could safely say I'd made a few new friends and been promised some awesome collabs!

I had been worrying over nothing, it seemed, till about 8 o'clock. "Hey, Emma!" The majority of our little group turned around to see Dan and Phil. AmazingPhil and danisnotonfire were standing a mere two meters away from me. I had to hold in the fangirling as Dan talked animatedly to Emma and Phil grinned at us, striking up a conversation with BriBry.

"Hang on, aren't you (Y/N)? As in MischiefManaged?" I looked as Phil turned to me. Phil Lester was talking directly to me. He knew who I was.I nodded.

"Hi, Phil." I managed to squeak out.

"I liked your YouTuber impressions video. I think you got me and Dan really well!" He laughed. I mentally cringed at the thought of him seeing my awful northern accent impression and laughed with him.

"Yeah, that video was a lot of fun to make. I was particularly proud of my Charlie one." I replied. We talked for a bit more, without me imploding fortunately, until we were interrupted by Dan.

"Hey, we're gonna go to the bar down the street, you guys coming?" He asked. I realized then that it was 9 pm! We'd been talking for an hour! What... Well, time flies when you're having fun. Phil nodded, standing up from the bench, and I followed suit. I wasn't much of a drinker, but there was no way in hell I was giving up the opportunity to spend more time with them! So, off we went.

Okay, so when I said I wasn't much of a drinker, I meant that I don't tend to drink too often as I can easily get carried away... like tonight. One drink had turned into a few, which turned into shots, and now I was tipsy and dancing with Chris Kendall, who wasn't entirely sober himself. The song, which I think was a remixed version of Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball, ended and I giggled.

"I'm gunna go get more alcohol!" I hiccuped at Chris, who nodded.

"Okay, drink sounds good! I'm gonna go toilet!" He shouted over the new song, which I didn't recognize. I nodded and made my way through the grinding, bumping, sweaty crowd back to the bar, where I found Phil and either Jack or Finn Harries. I wasn't too familiar with their videos and, well, I was slightly drunk. I ordered myself some more vodka and coke.

Phil Lester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now