Prom p.2

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"Hey lovely! You look amazing." Your friend looked relieved to see you and jumped up to greet you.

"Hey, holy shit you look amazing. I'm so glad you came." Her face screamed help me so being a good friend you decided to make a distraction so you could go talk to her in the hallway.

"Hey, I just remembered that I missed a button on my dress. Could you come help me in the light in the bathroom?" Your friend nodded and pulled you quickly leading the way to freedom from her boring date. The two of you were barely out of the door before she started to spill her guts.

"He told me just now that he doesn't dance and doesn't plan on it. Who invites someone to go to a dance and not dance at all?" You felt bad for her as she is the dancing queen that ABBA probably drew inspiration from for their song. There was, however, a small part of you that was glad that there was a flaw with her date. That would show her for dumping you on the girls night out plan. Your concerns, however, was yelling at you so you had to try and fix it.

"Remember that party that we went to and he was super drunk? Well, he was dancing like a fool that night. I know that the both of you are packing. So go get him drunk so you can dance your little heart out."

"you're a freaking genius! Thanks!" with that she was gone to go and get her date blasted on whatever she has stolen from her mother's liquor cabinet.Just as you decided to turn around and go back into the dance you crashed face first into someone. You started to apologise profusely as the tall stalk started to do the same. That's when it hit you that you had recognised that voice. It was if someone was writing a bad romcom and it was none other than Phil. He looked so handsome in his suit. You had seen him in this suit before from when a lucky few got to visit the local tv studio and learn a bunch of cool stuff about weather and tv.

"Are you alright? I'm so sorry I ran into you. I didn't think you were going to turn around so I assumed that I could sneak past you. I obviously thought wrong. If it's any consolation I think you look beautiful." You were at a loss for words. Here your crush was saying you looked beautiful. You had realised you were just standing there staring at him with the red already rushing to your cheeks. You had to say something before he thought you were a total freak.

"No, it was my fault. I kinda changed my mind on the direction and didn't put on my blinkers on." Phil thankfully laughed at your terrible joke. At least you hadn't totally blown it.

"I know this is rather forward of me but would you maybe save a dance for me? I'm sure you're going to be fighting off the boys with a stick but I just thought I would get in my request before it would be too late." You couldn't believe that Phil had just asked you to save him a dance. Was this the fifties? You could honestly care less. You nodded your head in agreement before excusing yourself to go back into the gym. He agreed with a cheeky see you later.

After everyone had started to drink a little more the party had really started to loosen up. Your friend managed to convince her date to dance with her and now that he was up she thought she may never get him to stop. You had been dancing in a big group of friends having the time of your life when it happened. A slow song. To be honest with yourself it was probably time to go sit down and maybe drink some water as you had been drinking mostly just mini liquor bottles for the past hour and the effects had been making you head light. You were a few feet from the table when you had suddenly felt an arm link around yours. You were about to raise hell to the person who was grabbing you until you realised it was Phil. He was smooth as he pulled you close into a slow dance. You had almost forgotten why you were even going to the table in the first place.

"Mind if I use my dance now?" You had suddenly gotten much closer to Phil as his breath tickled your ear. He had smelled of vodka, mint and cologne. Not the type that young boys wear that they buy on the cheap. No, he smelt warm and manly. You tried to make a mental note of what the song was but you could only recognise that it was Ed Sheeran singing to you. The both of you spun around the room in a fit of giggles. Your dance was definitely not the traditional slow dance but the chemistry of a slow dance partner was there. The song was almost wrapped up before you had felt your heavy head rest on Phil's shoulder. His arms made you feel safe as they were wrapped around your back resting just above your bum. Your hands were tangled in around his neck. You could play with the bottom of his short hair. It was an instant moment that you hadn't felt with anyone for a long time.You were overwhelmed with your senses of the smell and touch of Phil. The one thing you couldn't stop thinking was how you wish the room was quieter so you could hear his heartbeat through his chest. You were suddenly pulled out of your trance as Phil and started to pull you out of the gym and through the teacher's gym office. The room was small and dark. You had started to feel the sexual butterflies from before when you were sitting in your car waiting to get the courage to go inside. This was a different feeling of nerves. This was the excitement of the unknown. Just as you were about to call out for Phil you felt his hands reach around from your back to around your waist. You smiled feeling immediately calm from his touch.

"I have a confession to make. When I tell you to please don't freak out or something." You had turned around to face Phil. Your eyes had adjusted to the dark as you attempted to search his face with the help of the small amount of light entering the room from the not fully shut curtains.

"You can tell me anything." You could tell that Phil wasn't acting his usual happy go lucky self and that something was wrong.

"I have had a crush on you for years now. I was going to ask you to the prom but then chickened out. Just when I worked up the courage my friend said he was going to ask you. I told him that you were already going with someone else so he wouldn't try and steal you away from me. I know it's childish and that I should have never messed with him asking you on a date but I couldn't stand the thought of you being with him." Phil hung his head in shame. You were positive that the vodka he was drinking probably attributed to his extra guilt. You couldn't help feel for him. You were so full of emotions that you didn't really know how to communicate them. You were so ecstatic about Phil having a crush on you. You were pissed he messed with a chance to be asked to the prom. You were also mad he didn't have the balls to ask you. But in the end, you were touched that he had such guilt that he needed to rid himself of the lies.

"I forgive you. But there is one condition." Phil had looked up from the floor into your eyes practically begging to know the condition. "Kiss me." It had only taken a second for him to register the request as he crashed his warm lips into yours. His lips were soft with the taste of the vodka and mint on them. The kiss had started sweet but quickly moved into something more heated leaving the both of you gasping for a breath. After a moment apart and the both of you able to breathe again you couldn't help but feel a smile cross your face as you knew you finally got your man. Sure the kiss was in a coaches office at a lame school dance. But it was more than enough for you.

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