More than a fan?

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With a nervous feeling in your stomach, you waited in the park near your apartment. You had arranged to meet Phil here. Yes, the Phil Lester, AmazingPhil. A week ago, you had noticed that someone had sent you a DM on twitter. It was Phil. You were a huge fan, so your heart skipped a beat when you saw that your favourite YouTuber had sent you a message. He was the person that had inspired you to make your channel (Y/C/N), and you had reached 1 million subscribers not too long ago. Nervously, you opened the DM and read it:

Hey (Y/N)! I love your videos, would you maybe like to make a collab sometime??

When you had read this, your heart started beating faster, as if it wanted to get out of your chest. A smile appeared on your face and you read the message a few times, to make sure that it said what you thought it did. You even checked if it was the real Phil; it was. Of course, you told him you would love to do a collab.

After a long conversation, you guys arranged to meet in this park and from there, you would walk to your apartment, which was only five minutes away. Then, the two of you would make two collab videos for your channels. You sat down on a bench in the shadow of a big tree and looked around you. It was a lovely day; it was pretty warm, but the cool breeze made it a bit more bearable. You smiled and waited until Phil arrived. He arrived maybe five minutes later. You stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Hey!" you said, still not believing that the actual Phil Lester was stood in front of you. He greeted you with a smile matching yours and he hugged you, surprising you.

"Well..." you said, slightly awkward, "shall we go to my place?"
"Sure," Phil answered, "sounds great!" You walked to your apartment, discussing the collabs you would be making.

"I thought we could maybe make a truth or dare video?" you asked, while you crossed the road, heading for your apartment. "I could tweet that I'm gonna do truth or dare with a mystery guest and tell my followers to suggest truths or dares?"

"Sounds like a good plan," Phil said, nodding.

"Don't say that too loud, though," you warned, "you don't know my fans like I do." Phil chuckled.

"Sounds ominous."

"Oh, it is," you reassured the taller guys as you pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"What was your idea, actually?" You asked as you led Phil towards the elevator and pressed the 'up'-button.
"I was thinking that we could do a 'Never Have I Ever' video? We could search some fun questions online, maybe?" You got in the elevator and you pushed the button with the black 2 on it.

"Sounds great," you smiled. "then that's decided."

When you had reached your apartment, you had a drink and talked a bit. You had already tweeted the message to your fans, and while you and Phil conversed, your followers kept tweeting you suggestions. After having found the best questions for Never Have I Ever, you decided to make Phil's video first, to give your fans more time to come up with truth or dare suggestions. The video consisted of a lot of weirdness and laughing and accidental innuendoes. But let's be real, no one was surprised. When you had finished, you started making your video. Both you and Phil had your phones ready with some truths or dares your fans had submitted to you.

While filming the videos, you had completely forgotten that Phil was your YouTube idol, your inspiration. You felt so comfortable around him; it was like you had known him all your life. After you had finished filming, Phil stayed at your place for a while, and all you did was talking. Eventually, though, he noticed that the sun was starting to set and that he really had to go home.

"I had a great time, though," Phil told you as he reached for his jacket, "would it be weird if I asked you for your number? Because I'd love to stay in touch with you."

"It's not weird at all!" You reassured Phil before you told him your number. Phil thanked you and hugged you once more, before leaving your apartment with a huge smile on his face. You waved at him as the door closed, leaving you with your thoughts and the butterflies in your stomach.

Phil Lester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now