Happy Birthday

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Credits: captainlillybear.tumblr.com

It was your Birthday today and you didn't have much planned, probably go down to the corner shop and buy some junk food and rent a few movies. You were getting ready to leave when your phone buzzed.
Happy Birthday (Y/N)! Fancy coming over today to celebrate? :)
It was from your best friend and crush Phil. You smile before texting back
I'd love to! I'll be there in 15!
Putting your phone back in your pocket you leave your house and make the short walk to Dan and Phil's.

Knocking on the door you heard footsteps thump towards you, they stop once they reach the door and you hear the chain being pulled to the side. The door swings open to reveal a rather sleepy Dan, he was wearing his tracksuit bottoms, a black t shirt and his hair was in it's natural curly state. He gives you a wide smirk as if he was hiding something and pulls you into a hug "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!" He sings happily
"Thanks" you reply as Dan releases you to shut the door behind you. Still grinning like the Cheshire cat and says "Phil is in the lounge waiting, I'm going to get ready and go out for a bit"
You pout playfully at Dan "Your not going to stay and celebrate my birthday with me and Phil?" He shakes his head and as he turns on his heel to his room "I would, I've just got some things to attend to so I might be back a bit late" he winks and carries on walking. You enter the lounge to be greeted by Phil with a banner saying 'Happy Birthday' and a few balloons pinned up to. He runs over to you and picks you up spinning you round "Happy Birthday (Y/N)." He whispers into your hair making you blush as his breath tickles your ear. He sets you down and it's then as you look away to hide your blush you notice Phil's duvet on the couch and all your favourite movies and TV series next to a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. "Phil..." You begin to speak but he cuts you off. "I know it's not the best birthday surprise but I knew it would be something you would enjoy." You notice it's Phil's turn to blush as he looks down fiddling with his hands. "No, it is the best birthday surprise in the world! Thank you" you say jumping on the couch wrapping your self up in Phil's blanket, getting hit with his familiar scent that you love. He giggles and shakes his head grabbing the first DVD and puts in the player, jumping next to you and grabbing some of the duvet from you and pulling up around him to.
Your bodies are so close you can feel his body heat, all you want to do is cuddle up to him and kiss him but you know Phil could never have feelings for you, he only thought of you as a friend. To hide your blush and disappointment you lean forward and grab the bowl of popcorn bringing it between the two of you. Through out watching the films a comfortable silence is between you only occasionally broken by Phil asking if you wanted more tea or to discuss parts of the films. Every now and then you and Phil would brush hands reaching for the popcorn at the same time causing a "sorry" to be shared between you, you would blush and glancing to the side you noticed Phil would blush to and the corners of his mouth turn up slightly into a smile. Phil put the 5th movie of the night in it was both yours and Phil's favourite and he came and to sit back next to you, you notice he turns to face you so you do the same. He smiles at you before looking down into his lap playing with his fingers again, something he only does when he is nervous, he opens his mouth about to speak before snapping it shut.
"Phil" he looks up at you as you continue."Is....is something wrong?" He looks back into his lap before taking a breath in. "Nothings the matter really, well I don't know if you could call it a problem..." He stops himself to take another breath before continuing. "I...I like you (Y/N), I have for about 2 years but I was worried it was going to ruin our friendship, worried that you wouldn't feel the same but I can' keep this from you much longer. I think your smart, funny, beautiful I could go on but there aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe how I feel about you." Phil is grinning happily to himself, after a short pause he looks up at you "I guess what I'm trying to say is I like no I love you and I understand if you don't feel the same way" he looks back down to continue playing with his fingers "but I just needed to tell you." A huge grin slowly spreads across you face as you list Phil's chin up so he's looking at you, he notices you smile so returns it. "Phil, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that." You lean in and Phil closes the gap as your lips meet, it was everything you thought it would be; soft yet passionate and you both smile into the kiss. You pull away and you both look at each other still smiling, you giggle and lean down to rest your head on Phil's shoulder as you feel his arm wrap around your waist pulling you closer. You lift you head up slightly to whisper in his ear "Defiantly the best birthday in the world." He chuckles slightly as you kiss his cheek and snuggle back down with him. It defiantly was the best birthday.

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