Chapter One

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"Method To My Madness"

Despite someone's random approach, there is actually some structure to it.

"Honey, my eyes are scarred right now" Jordon drawled as soon as he entered the kitchen.

Jordon Hay; jovial, persistent, focused and also, my fitness trainer.

I can't remember a time when I'm eating something incredibly unhealthy and Jordon hasn't popped up in my mind. When I said that he's focused and persistent; I mean focused and persistent.

Also, he's extremely British. Right down to his walk. Not that I'm complaining.

I looked up at him, my face looking like a deer caught in headlights. Dammit.

"Excuse me while I go drown myself in your hot tub" He said, hands on his chest and shaking his head like no tomorrow.

I took the spoon out of my mouth, which had previously consisted of Nutella. Clearing my throat I said, "I have a very good reason"

His eyes narrowed at my face, then at the jar that sat on the counter and then back at me.

"Yes, Adelaide, I'm interested and listening"

Quickly getting rid of the jar and the spoon, I sat beside him, "Well, I mean, you know how the tour just got over and I'm always on a strict diet while on tour, so I figured-"

"Figured that I'll be alright with you eating spoonful of Nutella, at what, 7:30 in the morning?" He almost screeched.

I jumped away from him, deciding it is better to be at a considerable amount of distance. "Well, it's your fault too, by the way" I crossed my arms.

"Excuse me?"

I stifled a laugh at his infuriated expression, "Yes, there was nothing stocked in my kitchen. Forget about kale and healthy things, nothing, nada"

He paused, looking at me with that wounded expression, "Adelaide Edwards, you have over 5 people working in this huge house for you"

I frowned at him, offended, "You know that I hate how you make them sound like they're my servants or something"

"Well, maybe because they are?"

"NO! No, they're not. They're family, Jordon. I've had this same conversation over 283 times with you"

He shakes his head at me, as if he's amused, "They work for you"

"You work for me" I smirked.

"Okay, I honestly hate when you win arguments. You make the most insufferable face, I swear" He said.

I rolled my eyes, picking up my phone to see that I still have a few minutes before I have to leave.

Jordon let out a huge breath, "David says hi, by the way. You know, it seems eerily quiet here, it's sort of frightening"

Oh, and he's gay.

I looked around too, texting back Emma Watson, "Yes, but that's only because I've usually got someone over. And Fred, Gina, Quinn, and all are at mum's"

Look, honestly, they're not servants. They're family. My nana used to have this house-keeper back in the days and she had 5 adopted children because she was never able to have her own. And since Nana only had my mum, who was far too ambitious and always looking at a way to get into Harvard, she almost adopted them as hers when her house keeper passed away.

It's been years and years and there is still not a single holiday or celebration that they aren't a part of. They're all married now, older and wiser, mildly educated too, but they never left the family. So now, they help us just in everyday lives. My mom always tells me how she could've never survived the pacing downtown London life is she hadn't had them growing up.

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