Chapter Seven

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"X Marks the Spot"

"When someone finds something they have been looking for"

"Escapes me why you wouldn't just get 'Air Edwards' printed on it, its your's for god's sake" Amelia joked at me as the car stopped on the runaway.

I threw her an annoyed look, having heard the joke before "Shut up or I won't let you on it".

She pushed me as we got out of the car, her huffing behind me. My security detail including Kyle and Gary had already started getting both our stuff out of the cars and into the jet.

"Answer me sister, why buy it when you don't even want to claim it?" Amelia winked at me as she stepped towards the jet and I rummaged through my purse for my phone.

Karol and Lima had gone their merry way already, knowing having a complete week off while working for me is both a blessing and a rarity, they decided to leave before me to start their fun; whatever it was. As much as I know and remember, Lima had gone back home to her mother's for the week.

"Because we share the surname and there'd be no telling exactly whose it is" I sent a cheeky smile her way as we both laughed getting up the small stairs and into the private jet.

We'd decided to travel apart from the rest of the bridal party and a few hours before both the parties to get the house in order. I don't know if I've mentioned before, but my vacation homes are much more used by my friends and family than me. It was almost an occupational hazard of sorts.

It wasn't long before the plane had taken off and my sister and I settled low on our seats as we were served dinner. The flight was long; 12 hours and a few minutes to be exact but Amelia and I were no strangers to long flights and sleepy nights; particularly in that order.

She turned to look at me when she heard me sighing, "Hey Addy, thanks for coming out for me today. I don't know how you do it, but you really don't let me down".

"I should be the one saying that, idiot. You're the one who is always there for me before I even ask you. And what kind of a sister would it make me if I couldn't even make it to your show while I'm on a break?"

"Yeah, a break that began not even 4 days ago. You're not really taking a break, to be honest Adds", she gave me a concerned look.

I frowned at her, "I am taking time off and going to Greece for 5 days. How is that not taking a break?" I asked her, confused.

"Mary Olivia's wedding is very last minute, I know you didn't know about it 2 days ago because I didn't either. Don't use this as an excuse because we both know you would be here even if you weren't on a break" she said.

I sighed and turned away from her, knowing I couldn't win with her.

I heard her open her laptop, starting to type. "Well if you're not going to talk to me, I won't make you"

I rolled my eyes, "Keith told me to take a break, you know" I confessed.

If Amelia was shocked she hid it well, "You mean to say Keith told you to take a break too" she said.

I chucked, "Yeah. Said my songs are starting to sound the same; repetitive"

She was quiet for sometime. "He's not wrong, you know. Addy, I love you but your personal life has been a flat road for years now. I honestly am shocked sometimes by the media attention on you because to be honest, you aren't the most interesting person out there for them".

I cackled at that, having missed her blunt tongue.

"I know right? I wonder about that too sometimes. How are they not bored of me yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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