Chapter Five

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"All Ears"

Listening intently; fully focused or awaiting an explanation.

Freya Vellore was indisputably and indubitably in stitches. As she watched her boyfriend attempt to wake up his younger sister, and she stood in the doorway, she couldn't help but start wheezing as the sudden laughter attack hit her.

Arthur was trying to wake Adelaide up, and she was having none of it. And as of then, he held the jar of water over her head, muttering about last chances, as his sister was screeching threats back at him. It was a little after nine in the morning, working time for most of the world but not for Addy, oh no sir.

That was another aspect of her job that Adelaide didn't mind at all. She was usually free to sleep for as long as she wanted if she had nothing of importance. And after her brother finally realized that he might be in danger, he let go of the water tactic and tackled her on the bed, pulling the sheets away and letting the crisp February air hit her scarcely dressed body.

And as she leaped up and jumped on his back, eager for revenge, she noticed that someone else was present in the room, and they had the audacity to laugh at her situation. Swirling her head around, she noticed it was Freya.

"Freya? What are you doing here at this god forsaken hour?"

"Will you let go of my fragile neck, dearest sister? I want to live a little longer" Arthur purposefully yelled, turning his head to look at his weary eyed sister, groaning as she only tightened her hold on his neck.

"Shut the fuck up, Arthur. Now, will either of you tell me what was the dire need of waking me up, at what, five in the morning?" Addy was exaggerating, and she knew it.

Freya had finally gained some self-control back, and was now leaning against the doorway, "Let's go for breakfast, Adds, we have much to talk about" she said, smiling at her.

Ever since Freya was 19 years old, she had been working for the September Management, it had been one of the proudest moments of her life when she was finally accepted there as an assistant representative for the huge celebrities they managed.

Ever since she had lost her parents in the unfortunate car crash, she knew she had to do it; for them. For her father, who spent weeks making rounds of September's offices; and for her mother, who wanted nothing more than for her daughter to do what she wanted.

And Freya was no younger than 20 years of age when she was finallymade the head representative – with a team of experts behind her, ofcourse – and turns out, for Adelaide Edwards. She was the young British popstar on the rise and she needed somebody her age to be her Public Relations Manager.

Enter Freya Vellore.

Freya doesn't really remember when that business relationship turned into such a solid friendship that they enjoy now, or when she fell in love with each of her family members because they made her feel as much a part of the family she never had, or when she fell hard for her employee's brother. It made her smile so wide; she couldn't believe her skin was intact.

And over the years, if there was anything Adelaide had learned about her profession and the work that goes on behind it; it was to follow along with all their proposals when they advantage you. Because the last thing your team wants is for your public image to tarnish.

And that's how Adelaide found herself, after having agreed to have breakfast with Freya, in front of her and Arthur, in the beautiful little café Amelia has always loved, scrolling through her phone because she loathedfeeling like a third wheel. Especially with two of the dearest people in her life; it was, quite honestly, sickening for her in that moment.

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